
The game of Clue. help!!?

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so my friend is having like a real life CLUE party game thing. yea, I never played clue before so I don't know what to do or the concept. can someone explain to me hopefully in details what it is? thank you!




  1. "Clue" is a mystery game.  There has been an imaginary murder, and the solution (The name of the person who committed the crime, the weapon he/she used, and the room where the murder happened) is on little cards hidden in an envelope.  The game board is designed like the rooms of a house.  Players choose a "character" to represent, and are dealt the remaining cards (those not part of the true solution). Taking turns, players roll dice and move from room to room, making guesses about the "where," "who," and "with what" portions of the crime.  If another player can "disprove" your guess (for example, you say, "The murder was committed by Professor Plum in the kitchen with the knife,") by showing you the "knife" card, for example, proving therefore that it cannot be hidden in the little envelope, you know your guess was wrong.  By moving from room to room and making guesses, eventually one player is able to deduce which cards are hidden in the little envelope, and that player "accuses" the murderer.  This is a much abbreviated version of what happens, and I strongly suggest that you play a game or two on the game board (if you can still find anyone who plays it) to get a feel for how it goes.

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