
The generation now?

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ok im only 22 years old so not far from the newer generation but it crazy that kids are learning things to early and y is this not enough disipline or something like nowadays kids tell their parents off and get whatever they want and even having s*x younger and younger age it just crazy i dont know why do u think this is like i said not enough disipline is my only conclusion i can think of




  1. I agree with you, but the other factor is: There is so much demand by society today for parents to give everything to their children, to have more and to keep up with what is popular. In the process working longer hours, more days and spending less quality time with their children. Many children are being raised by the TV, Internet or games. No one is supervising and explaining to them what they are watching. Children's time is totally fruitless, unpurposeful and has created children to become angry and display that anger by doing what they want regardless of parent's rules. It is very sad and it is only going to get worse as time goes on. Materialism has taken over the lives of our families.

  2. discipline is only a part of it finances are another factor , seeing that many parents cannot spend the time with them because they have to work, then there is the break down of society ect .. it is a complex issue.

  3. Part of the problem is that the quality of public education has gone downhill, most kids attend public school.  Another factor is that these days the government is all to happy to tell what exactly we can and cannot do while raising our kids.

    EDIT:  not trying to be mean here, but you're twenty two and you didn't use ANY punctuation in your question besides the automatically placed question mark.

  4. I agree that there is not enough discipline or structure in children's lives. Add that to broken homes, which s***w up a kid no matter how easy on them it is made..s*x is everywhere from t.v. to the clothes that the children wear..

    Parents are the ones in the wrong if they try to get kids to behave....

    They don't have any after school jobs anymore..lawn mowing, paper routes, working at McDonald's, etc...those jobs are being taken up by the low wage workers kids don't learn responsibility or the concept of earning things..which help them later in life...they just have more time to get into trouble...

  5. my cousin is one of those, she tells of my grandma, she has s*x with different guys, she is super rebelious. She is 15.

    you want the reason, her dad was married to her mom for 7yrs and then cheated on her with the woman that he is now married to. After that her mom became depressed, she is not metally okay. She is abusive, she wasnt like that before ti all happened. She lives with my grandma becuse life with her mom and her abusive boyfriend is impossible and her dad's wife doesnt want her living with them. I say she is practically abandoned.  And her dad lets her have boyfriends, ofcourse, he doesnt have to deal with her. My grandma is ill, i dont think she can handle her much longer!


    i also agree with littleorphanandy
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