
The heat is on Palin?

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what are you going to say to counter this one if she is guilty? Will you find excuses for her? Or will you coincide the facts?




  1. Its family first and country last for the Palins

  2. Actually the heat is not on Palin, most people have dealt with this kind of thing in their own families or they know someone that has, this whole thing only carries weight with a few self righteous people that live in glass houses.

  3. Apparently Repubs have their head in the sand and know nothing of Troopergate.  I can't wait to hear what the newfound e-mails had to say!  

  4. Palin was too busy worrying about the affairs of the state to educate her daughter and dissuade her from having underage s*x.  Since more than likely her daughter was taking care of her brothers and sister anyway with her mother absent form the home she probably thought it would be ok.

  5. Guilty? Of what?

  6. I find her guilty from the start.  

  7. coincide the facts?  As an English teacher I am waiting for you to ask something that makes sense.

    Palin is guilty of nothing.

  8. I don't care if she tried to get her brother-in-law fired. It's not a major issue for me. People do crazy things sometimes.

  9. Hopefully she would resign. She really shouldn't have accepted the job with all she has going on. McCain should have chosen Mitt Romney.

  10. Would you just give it a rest.  

    And guilty of what?

  11. grow up the heat is not on Palin at all !!

    the media is trying to make something of the low life democrats attacking her CHILDREN and her FAMILY.....


  12. Innocent until proved guilty.  There are only accusations.  Palin has a 90% approval rating for a job well done.  it doesn't get any better than that.  This strong woman has fought corruption from the grass roots.  She will not be proved anything but innocent of all these trumped up charges!

    She did her job, and the corrupt want revenge!


  13. Yes I think the heat is on Palin ...  just as it was on Hillary... Guess the heat will always be on any woman who dares to try to run for office, as long as the ugly fire of sexism burns so brightly?  

  14. I think its an ironic contradiction within the Republican party.  One who promotes abstinence-only education within our schools yet has the glaring failure of such ideals in their face.

  15. Counter what?

  16. Guilty of protecting her family?  Ok, I understand that that is a concept foreign to democrats.  

  17. Yea, she was caught fishing without a license 20 years ago. Oh no!
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