
The ladies teasing my cowardness.Why ?

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I am a young boy.One day my neighbour's young daughter was molesting by some road romeos.Same time I was passing by.The girl shouted for my help.But seeing the romeos body built I refused to help her & ran away from there.In the evening the same girl call me at her house where her sister-in-law handed me A saree-blouse,bra,bangles,lipstick,bindi & anlkets & teased me to wear it & also change my names to some girly name.I appologise for my attitude,but they said if I really feel sorry for it then I should wear it for once in front of them,so that the girl will also forget my cowardness little bit,and also it would remember me in future that how my cowardness ashamed me.What do you say...should I do it or not.If you says YES then suggest my girly name for my attitude.




  1. just forget about it. thats all.

  2. Sounds like you want to do it...  I would never do anything liek that.  And I would never let anyone humiliate me.  

    If you don't want to do it, don't do it.  I think you learned your lesson and you should not let anyone harass you and try to humiliate you.  Tell your parents what happened and that you apologized and feel sorry for it, but that you do not want to be humiliated.  It will not only bring shame to you, but probably to your family too.  Be a (young) man and act like one, stand up for yourself and don't let anyone bully you.  If you do it, it proves to them that you are what they consider a "girl" and would allow them to continue calling you names in the future.  Do you want that?

    Now, if you really are into that kind of stuff and want to do it...  I knew a young lady called "Sampriti" and I liked that name a lot.  

    Good luck!

  3. sound's really odd.....never heard of anything like it before......dude remember ur a guy and don't let any crazy p***y mess with her some attitude or atleast teach her a lesson.....saving someone is a PERSONAL CHOICHE.......

  4. What do you mean you are a "young boy"?  The fact is, you should have helped the poor girl.  You could have gotten help for her, if you were too small.  I don't know what the law is like in India, but RAPE is a CRIME.  Your cowardice in this situation should be a lesson to you...When you see a woman being mistreated, it is your duty as a human being to help her.

  5. Why didn't you help the little girl? Many Indian girls are bullied and i think u should know that.

    I think you should tell the girl about how you feel and tell her about why you didn't help.

    If she teases you, jst ignore her.

    If you decide you will where the sari etc. ive got a few names suggested.





  6. was she actually getting or touched thats ******* terrible! But we do not know wat would do in these situtions. alas you should have maned up1

  7. Listen "young boy," it's time to man up and realize that you made a mistake. You're being teased because you made no effort to help the girl, regardless of what was happening to her. You don't need to be a fool and rush up to a bunch of people who'll beat the h**l out of you, but it's expected that as a neighbor you would at least call the cops or find the biggest neighbor on the block to come help you.

    Don't consent to any demeaning rituals to apologize (if you wear the dress, trust me, the girls will NOT be forgetting your cowardice anytime soon.) Just apologize and remember your lesson for next time.

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