
The musical connection?

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I often hear music where the shouldnt be any. like when im at home alone (i live in a very quite neighborhood. i know its not outside) or when i hike, and ill be in the middle of nowhere with no other people around. its always a song ive never heard, and ive searched for them, and i never come across anything similar to them. now, this doesnt bother me since its always a beautiful tune and often ill think "that could be the next big hit". once i even had a dream where a full blown music video played (again, it was nothing id ever seen before)

i am an aspiring songwriter, and i sometimes find it frusterating that these songs are exactally what im aiming for but can never quite duplicate.

any ideas where these could be coming from?




  1. You may be a channel, as many composers were before you. It's maddening when then tune won't stick around long enough to copy it down--but please try. Either your sub-conscious or a Heavenly link is allowing this. I think it is Heaven. God bless.

  2. Well let me dig into my brain for a sec........Got it passed relatives will send messages (in your case its music) to there family that are alive its there way of telling you that we are here and its a nice gift to have as well, many people do not hear/see/smell the messages, luckily for you, you seem to be an open person and that helps a lot. You maybe able to catch some music on tape, by using a voice recorder and careing it around with you and maybe you will catch it on tape. Or you could pray before bed and ask God for a replay of a certain song, so that way you have a chance to remember. Cherish your gift and the gift your passed relatives/friends are sending to you. If you need any help with anything let me know and I will glad to help.

  3. I've heard of composers in the past who have received unusual inspiration for their music.

    Perhaps you should write down the music when you hear it.  

    Your subconscious could also be giving you the "answer" of tunes you are trying to create.

  4. I agree with Tom E.  

    Figure out a way to stay in that zone and have a recorder near by and hum out the tune in the recorder.  It could very well be the next hit.  

    "Those that hear not the music, think the dancer mad."

  5. I have a good idea where these melodies could be coming from--your imagination.  Either you're hallucinating them, meaning they aren't really there, or else you are interpreting random noise as music.  This second bit is called auditory pareidolia.

    As a song writer you stand to benefit from this in obvious ways.  Stick with it and good luck.

  6. I have had a similar experience in the past where music and songs would go through my head with such a fervour that it was as if I were hearing it out loud.  Often, I would even start humming or singing the tunes  that I was "hearing".  Sometimes, it even felt like I was tapping into a stream of information or sound that was flowing around me.  I was never sure where these songs came from, but I have a few theories:

    -  They may be snippets of songs that I have heard before, but don't remember.  I might be "hearing" the song, or putting the snippets together in a new way, subconciously.

    -  There may actually be some musical "streams" in the world, and I may have been able to hear them at certain times.

    There is an artistic concept of the "muse" which is the source of artistic inspiration.  Many poets and artists speak of it, but it is not clear whether it is "the creative process" or some external creative force (or stream) that the artist is tapping into.  Either way, embrace your muse!  You might consider carrying a recording device around with you so that you can try to capture those brief moments of brilliance that you hear.  Even if you don't capture it, enjoy the songs you hear, and nurture your creative impulses.  With time, you will get better at creating music that is closer to this "ideal music" that is running through your mind.  Good luck!

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