
The neapolitan mastiff?

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they are big dogs but how are they protection because the size of their teeth is so small and is it possilbe to have them not drool




  1. Neos drool like no other dog! If drool bothers you, don't even think about this dog or any of the Mastiff types! Don't let the size of their teeth fool you, they are serious guard dogs and can stop a man when they need to.

  2. Yeah they are freaking huge and can definitely be used for protection I don't really think the size of their teeth matter, but the brute strength behind them

  3. LOL not drool the only thing I can say about that is get a rag and wipe it off.  Now the protection part would you want him to get mad at you and bite you. His size alone might be scarry. If you love your dog with all your heart and take good care of him and let him know you are the master he will protect you.  Good luck with the drool thing lol  

  4. The bark and trample over the bad guy to make him get knocked out. I don't think you could make 'em stop drooling.

  5. yes they are very large dogs, and generally the will knock the intruder over and hold it while you come to "finish the job" although im sure if they wanted to they could ravage any stranger, they can be vigilant and vicious to people they dont know. you cannot stop the drooling, it is just part of the breed, and after exercise or excitement they will be drooling HEAPS!

  6. dameister, I wish I had a a neapolitan mastiff.

  7. Mastiffs drool. Lots of giant breed dogs drool, because they have a very wet mouth. Some giant breeds, like a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, will actually drool less because of their drier mouths, but Neopolitan Mastiffs are droolers. There's no way to change this.

    As for protection, they certainly could be used for that. But remember, don't rely on a dog to protect unless he/she has been specfically trained and bred to do so. Otherwise, there is no guarantee, and beyond that, you will be putting your dog in danger.

    They *can* be a scary dog for some people, and having one trained to protect while you don't know what you are doing will just make it worse. Make sure you take classes, as well, so you know how to properly care for/handle/command a guard dog.

  8. Any breed of dog can be an excellent protector. Any breed can be a giant pussycat. It depends on the genes, and the training. Neos don't have small teeth, they just have giant mouths so they look small. They definitely drool like nobody's business, and you can't prevent it.  

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