
The need to... read on

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m********e!? Is it an absolute necessity to m********e? I'm 20 years old, I'm pretty normal, I mean I like girls just like any other guy but I've never masturbated in my life. Should you do it? I mean I have absolute control over it and is it possible to master your sexuality to the fact you never need too? I get erections when I want/need to, I've had s*x quite a few times and I don't ever have wet dreams, whats the deal? It all works normally




  1. It is not absolutely not necessary to m********e. I know many, many men who never have. The control that you are able to excercise over your sexual urges is a great thing. Most people who m********e are addicted to it and would have a very hard time stopping if they tried, which most would never do. Those of my belief know that all addicting things are to be avoided like the plague, for they take away once freedom to do what one chooses. It's also an abomination of s*x, which is meant for a man and wife, lawfully wedded. Anyway, don't really know if you wanted to hear all that.

  2. it's unusual, and could be bad

    regular ejaculations can potentially ward off cancer

    for your health you need to either have s*x or m********e

  3. No there is no need to m********e at all:period.

    There is no should involved either

    You seem to have it pretty much under control and you can master in never having to m********e at all.

    You had s*x  quite a few times:so there is nothing to worry about

    Just continue as you done so far.

  4. Well, this leaves me speechless, for once.  I never knew of a guy your age that never masturbated.

    My gawd, the majority of men in this country are circumsized so I don't know where you got the idea that being circumsized matters.

    Of course, you certainly don't need a validation from anyone to have made this decision.

    Should you do it?  That, again, is entirely up to you.

  5. u do not have to m********e if u don't want 2. but the reason y u don't have wet dreams even though u don't m********e, is because u have s*x and when u do u c*u*m* after that.

  6. Some studies have shown that guys who m********e regularly have a lowered risk of prostate cancer.

  7. i wont to answer with another question . why in the h**l do u never m********e?? You are missing out on so much enjoyment.

  8. you dont need to materbate but it feeks good lol. ur fine dont worry

  9. My ex-husband claims to have never masturbated either. Also, there were only 2 positions in which he could ever get off. How boring! He's an ex for a reason. And, by the way, he also had to have a t******e removed due to a threat of cancer. He's a lot older than you, but I'm just sayin'...
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