
The new Glenn McGrath?

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A 17 year old 'bushy', Josh Hazlewood has just signed a contract with the NSW Blues, & has been described as the 'new Glenn McGrath' by cricket supremo Dave Gilbert. From the tiny country town of Bendemeer near Tamworth, Josh is expected to be rubbing shoulders with the likes of Lee & Clark sooner rather than later, as really big things are expected of him. Do you think it's likely we will see another like McGrath?




  1. to the answer above me whats your problem

    oh i know hes not indian so in your mind he cant be any good

    in answer to your q binga i must admit i havnt heard of him but after what you say ive got to find out about him

    hes got big shoes to fill

  2. yeah i also heard abt this and i hope that another glenn macgrath can come becoz he is really a great bowler and i like him very much.

  3. Now a days they(Aussie) call everyone next McGrath. First they said same about Michael Clark and now about this new punk. pmsl

  4. Gee it sucks when you can not even ask 1 single question with out someone being a smart a*s......

    Well Dave Gilbert seems to knows what he is talking about,so if he conciders this kid to be "The new McGrath',i say good on him....

    When "Pidge" first started cricket many were saying he is the new"Thommo",everyone dismissed it saying no-one could be as good as Thommo' was=well i think glen shut those critics up years ago..lets hope this kid does do well for himself and ends up getting a spot in the team...Seems a lot of talent in cricket comes from NSW anyway-whats another New South Welshman' to the squad hey?

  5. haha pretty funny how most people reacted to a honest opinion by another answerer!

    Anyway to fill McGrath's shoes is pretty hard, he may be as good as McGrath but does he have the same style/game plan as the pidge.

    Yes, I thought Stuart Clarke was gonna be the next in line to step into McGrath's shoes.

  6. Unlike another answerer here, I see what you mean. It is usual to spot the promise of these youngsters at a very early age, & hopefully they are right again this time.Having read the article & 'armed' myself with a bit of knowledge(again unlike the other answerer), I gather the blues must have great confidence in him to sign him to a contract.It is to be hoped that he will become even half as good as Pidgie, as he was one in a million.

  7. Does that bozo at the top of the page call him/herself an expert? lmao! Man oh man, what a croc of s--t that is. I been reading qestions & answers here for a while now, but only just joined recently, and an expert he aint. Kookee appears to be the real expert from what i can see and what other users say.

    To answer the question, it is to be hoped he turns out ok as he must be looking good to get a contract with the blues. Thats a state team and they don't just sign up anybody.I do think it's possible to see another Mcgrath because Australia just keeps turning out class acts all the time.Who would have thought Mcgrath would step so comfortably into Lillee and Thommos shoes?
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