
The other humans created us ?

by  |  earlier

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yesterday i thought about this

"what if highly advanced humans created us on this planet, and they are using earth as a field of experiments"

but i searched for this in the internet

and i found out that

this is already known

i think it's called Elohim

but did any of you people thought about it before you hear about it ? or do you believe in it ?




  1. I doubt the aliens who created man were actually true humans. It's more likely that they manipulated the DNA of primitive "man" (homo erectus) and created "man" that way.

    I thought about this 20 or more years ago. It's my main theory linking evolution and creation.

  2. There are some scientist who believe this theory.

    And thats easy to understand, here's why:

    - We still haven't found the missing link in our evolution cycle, that could be because maybe there IS no missing link

    - It is allmost impossible that in a universe measuring billions of lightyears earth is the only life-capacitable planet, meaning there probably are humans (or a species closely related to us) on a distant planet

    - ...

  3. how can a human possibly create us??

    let say for instant what you say is right, then who was the creator of that particular person??

    its only one god ALLAH who created all the human beings,this universe and all the things you see....

    a human will never have the power to do such an amazing thing.

    its only ALLAH,the most power full who do all this

    by the way, do you believe in god??

  4. Highly unlikely.

    Firstly, why would they have survived and secondly, why did they create a basic lifeform and let us evolve rather than skip to the climax, so to speak?

    Elohim's a hebrew word which represents the concept of divinity, ie. God(s)....not another human race.

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