
The royal family's job ??????

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What is the point in the royal family

Yes it is nice to say we have one and england's monarch has survived through years of stress and battles. But all the queen does is wave her hand and knight people. The media/people in general make the royals sound actually more important than they actually are. Some of the royals are so stuck up their own backside its unbeliveable

With all their money could we not save a heck of a lot people in the third world courtries. It is always in the media (third world countries poverty) but still the richest rolays dont give that much away.

Then when some royals do stupid things they wonder why the media is right behind them. Some royals may be young yes but they can think they are well educated so why don't they use that brain and think of consequences to their actions.

Please do not slate or slander what I have said its my oppinion whats yours ????????




  1. I think the recent report that Harry was removed from Afghanistan will likely bring on more negative views of the Royal Family.  No one wants to see their loved come to harm, but how many mothers out there are soooo privileged that they command a royal army and can bring their children home?

  2. flinginf... -

    'I think their job is to have bad teeth and look inbred.'


    Beats being lead by a primate, stupid hic'.

  3. Not to "slate" your opinion but it's quite presumptuous. I think the point of them is just to show that they still have money and power. That said they ain't givin' up a dime! As far as acting out,  well there are no real dire consequences but they are only human so I guess they don't want to reap whet they sow any more than the rest of us..... Their importance depends on who is measuring it. Their job is really just to look good and front like their country has no serious problems.

  4. When I was younger, I had the same opinion as you.  But after a few presidential regimes here in the US, my opinion of your monarchy has changed.  

    You see, we don’t have the privilege of consistency given the way our government is set up.  By constitutional design, we tend to ideologically swing back and forth every 4-year or 8-year cycle as each president abuses his power, as we see now with Bush and his stupid little war in Iraq (which has already cost us the US taxpayer $1 trillion).  We have leaders with extreme views and as a result, we have no core soul.

    Your queen has held her title since shortly after WWII and has stood as a symbol of strength and guidance through good times and bad.  Albeit, some of her views (and by extension, the view of the royal family) may seem out of touch and archaic, it still serves a purpose of grounding the British soul.  The royal family knows that is their purpose and will ensure that their treasury is invested in maintaining and perpetuating that symbology.  We Americans have history and examples too from the dead presidents etched in stone at Mt Rushmore and the monuments in Washington DC, but you have LIVING history to ground you.  

    Count your blessings.  At least you don’t have an absolute monarchy, which have led to the exploitations and demise of other countries’ royal family.  And your royal family didn’t waste $1 trillion like our “royal family” did on a stupid and worthless cause that was already demonstrated futile millenniums ago by European royals in the Crusades.  (It’s well known that Bush wasn’t very good in school and wasn’t very good at reading about history.)  Remember, your monarchy has lasted longer than the Roman Empire and the American government has, combined.

  5. I think their job is to have bad teeth and look inbred.

  6. The writer obviously displays their ignorance of the contribution that the Queen and her antecedents have made to Britain. Being the Queen entails a lot more than a "wave of her hand and knight(ing) people". She has considerable knowledge of constitutional affairs and has been Queen during various Labour and Conservative governments and consequently has a broad knowledge of the day to day operation of government as she reads dispatch boxes from Parliament every day. She can therefore call on her knowledge from previous governments to assist the current PM with background information. In fact they are important, and just like anyone else many have their foibles and idiocyncracies. They wouldn't be human if they didn't. Prince Charles does a terrific amount for various charitable organizations but receives bad press because he goes against members of the "establishment". And, where did you get the idea that they don't give much away? They just don't make a big song and dance about it.

    When the younger royals happen to be out partying of course the paparazzi are there because they can make a lot of money out of it and papers sell - how would you enjoy having a camera shoved in your face every time you moved?  It is obvious you have little knowledge or understanding of what a Constitutional Monarchy is. Frankly I would much rather have a Monarch with a background stretching back thousands of years than someone who has popped up from nowhere and has little knowledge of anything very much (e.g. GWB).

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