
The solution to bad refs???

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i am a kiwi born and breed and yesterday morning i felt lower than low another world cup down the drain but you gotta learn to take that on the chin but anyone who is anyone will know how badly the ref and touch judges were in the game vs the french just so happens the ref was english and the touch judge that missed everything was south african both whom are still from countries still alive at the world cup i got a solution at the next world cup the refs for the quarters than the semis than the finals can only be from countries are not in the tournament anymore for example this year there could have been irish and welsh refs who would have nothing to gain so would have called it straight down the middle what do you think?




  1. Feed them to hungry lions...

  2. I do not think it was a question of refs or judges. The best team won on the day. BUT!!! I take issue with "nonenz". Im not sure what you are suggesting with the remark 'what the AB's get away with'. One thing they are not, and that is cheats. They may play badly, they may be the best in the line up of competitors and vice versa, they are a never, have ever been cheats. Thats this persons opinion. Cheers.

  3. Bad F!@#ing REF

  4. maybe video refs aka NRL . IRB brought it on when the rules ruck/maul changed.

  5. Here's my take on it...

    I don't know anything about the solution to bad refs, but I reckon that when you're paid professional money to perform, then you have to accept to a degree that there are going to be environmental factors that work for and against you - one of which is the ref.  Be it the weather, the ref, the touch judges or ground, professional money means the players should be able to overcome those factors to focus on the prize.  I don't think they did on Sunday AM.  I'm not saying that the ref didn't make some weird calls - the two crucial ones at such a high stakes game being the blatant forward pass and subsequent try awarded to Jourdain, and the sin binning of McAlister.  But if the team were prepared enough and focussed enough - they would have overcome those odds.

  6. I think - as mentioned earlier...that if they had six refs on the field they would only catch about 30% of what the all blacks get away with - during any given match.

  7. When we have human guidance with a whistle you can bet your Sunday's that there will be confusion and despair from both sides.  The loss was due to a large group of people who underestimated the opposition and their own abilities. Every world cup we sport the best team but receive a lesson only. The point must be made that we performed better as amateurs than we do as professionals. Why? Because now we are loosing the mental toughness that comes from holding on to your position in the team, loosing the physical toughness from playing weekly and loosing the bullet proof pride that lifts a player when wearing the black jersey as now it is passed around like the ball itself.

    Sheltering players who are performing at peak will not sustain that edge but allow it to fade. Players who show greatness in one position only to play in another will only rob them of their essence and prevent another member from truly representing us with 'their' gift.

    There is no doubt that we are the best nation for rugby pride and talent but loosing the platform that our former great Allblack teams lay down for us, that these players aspire to be and are capable of being, has robbed us all.

    The world is improving fast and for the last 4 world cups has passed us by. We are no longer feared and readily beaten by better than average teams. Wake up NZ and face the truth that we aren't what we were and have a lot to learn now.

  8. i totally agree and i just dont think the world getz that we are a whole collective nation that is rugby obbsessed me myself included. i dont believe its graham henreys fault, we"ve won everyother cup and hes gotten us this far and worked our boyz to get to this league of rugby and with or with out the world cup we and everybodyelse knows that we are the worlds best, hands down.

    and to be tatlly honest im just down right guttered. we shouldnt hav reffs thats country is still in the game thats just comprimising to all rugby teams and fans.

    im just distgusted

  9. Bit like a tradesman blaming his tools for a bad job. Given the All Greys had the bulk of pocession and territory and still couldn't win..... Unfortunately rugby isn't a game of 'if onlys'. NZ were outpassioned and seemed devoid of any answer to stem the rising blue tide. Would be interesting to see the Assessment Panel's review of the Ref. Always easy to referee from the comfort of a couch with replays etc. You put the best whistlers on the field and touchline eg Kaplan.

  10. I agree with everything you say. We too are Kiwi born and breed. In our house we were devastated with yesterday's fasicle. I think we should keep Graham Henry and sack the IRB. Your solution is great. Send it to the IRB adding they should sack the refs who do this badly!!!!!!!!

  11. No matter where the ref came from he was not up to the task, but that was only part of a combination of factors that contributed to the loss such as, players taken out of rugby for reconditioning. Surely the best conditioning for rugby is playing good hard rugby at the top level. The rotation policy??? this does not allow combinations to form and is detrimental to team cohesion. When all is said and done, if the french Win the Rugby World Cup at least the All Blacks can say the were only 2 points off the Mark.

  12. Your solution sounds good.

    They supposedly allocate the best referees possible for any given game. Was an inexperienced and young pom the best ref in the world that was not from NZ or France?? I find it hard to believe that he was the best man for the job.

    Lets face it the IRB (along with other union bodies like SANZAR) are a joke. The whole game and the organisations which control it need a BIG shake-up.

  13. I know with netball amatuer and professional they have two refs one doing one half of the court and the other doing the other. And i know that i have watched my husband in his division 3 finals for his rugby they had two refs on the field each ref-ing half of the field and with two touch judges. why don't they get a second ref in doing the same? And if they are going to get people to ref quarters, semis and finals they need to be different from the teams playing in those games and must be experienced! I know Patty O'Brien who commented on 3 news last night, and he said the guy did alright (even though i disagree!) Yet Patty is a New Zealander too!

  14. I am a South African now living in NZ for the last 7 years and am now a proud Kiwi. I agree 100% that the (so called) ref and touch judges where to blame for NZ's loss. How could they be so blind?. The ref and touch judges should be from countries who have no more part in the competion. The biggest disappointment to me was the South African touch judge, who many respect as one of the top ref's in the world.

    I appeal to all you Kiwi's - don't be too disappointed in the All Black's and stand by them - THEY ARE THE BEST RUGBY SIDE IN THE WORLD. So we lost, so what - not the end of the world. Imagine how they feel and can't say what we would like to tell the @$%#*^# ref and touch judges. The only thing left to say is WE WILL BE BACK.

  15. Interesting Solution, may work, may not????

    I think that the game was one that whet pressure was applied to both sides they had their flaws. Unfortunately we took our pride too far by thinking we could score a last minute try and not the drop goal option, sometimes it has to be done, look it worked for England!!!. I love the AB's followed by Australia. To see both of them out was very disappointing. However we must go away and learn from this. Maybe next world cup we go in as underdogs and then hopefully get a better pool comp to test us before the 1/4's. But to be fair the Ref was a complete #^$#%$# to miss that forward pass. And also we should not dump Henry we should at least provide some consistancty.

  16. here's my fix: the refs can only be from countries that didnt qualify to begin with. the ref was from england, who had won their qf that arvo (fr time), and was just too scared to watch england lose to the abs come semis

  17. the best thing to have would be the ref sitting up in a box watching it all on screen, holding a microphone with speakers blasting out the rulings. lets take the humanness out of it.

  18. NO SOLUTION. After all, they are human just like you and I. We make mistakes. Don't expect them not to make mistakes too!

  19. Rugby is a game where you get away with what you can get away with.  The rules are complex and there is a lot to see in a mass of arms and legs.  It is also a game of teams that win and lose well.  Everything always ends with a handshake and no hard feelings.  So quit your ******* whining and next time put more points on the board than the other team.  End of.

  20. yep f**k the ref. as soon as i heard that england won their game i knew we were f****k with a english ref. why would he want the ab`s to win and have to play england next week. everyone knows the poms have a better chance of beating the frogs. so thats my opinion and im sticking to it.

    as for graham henry i think he is one of the best coaches ever and i dont think he should be to blame for the loss i think his stats before the cup was something like 46 games and 38 wins .thats pretty good . he tryed a diff approach and it didnt work at least he had the balls to try how many of you people that are mocking him and calling him usless could of done any better???

    f**k the frogs aswell.

  21. I've been reading blogs from others and this blog speaks the most truth. Thank god there are some people out there that think before they speak. Good comments

  22. That would be a perfect idea.  It should also be the same in the Six Nations and Tri Nations.  For the Six Nations the refs should be from the southern hemisphere, New Zealand, Australia or South Africa, and for the Tri Nations the refs should be Irish, French, English, Scottish, Welsh or Italian.

  23. as per what a lot of others have suggested...yes the refs made some shockers...and yes the french were playing some dirty ruggas in the rucks...but at the end of the rather have a ref from a top 5 country reffing my game as opposed to a ref from namibia.....2ndly...the rotation policy needs reviewing....give me a 15 man team that plays week in and week a 15 man team that gets changed every are they supposed to gel as a team, when there teammates are getting swapped every week....for the past 10-20 weeks...3rdly....if 4 refs....1tmo....2 touchys....and the man in the middle cant get it right...then rugby in general is the loser here....4th and foremost.......GO THE KIWIS IN WELLINGTON THIS WEEKEND

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