
The twelfth planet, Nibiru?

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Why do they call it the 12th planet if there are only 8 planets in our solar system? Unless they started calling Pluto a planet again, and not a protoplanet.




  1. There are 8 planets.

    All other semi-big planets are called "Plutoids".

    Planet X, not Nibiru (A myth), is being considered as a possibility as a plutoid (estimated to be roughly 30-70 percent of Earth's mass).

    However, Planet X is nothing more than a frozen world that most likey resembles the surface of the former dwarf planet pluto now plutoid. There is nothing special about it.

  2. 12th planet -- try MANY more than 12 planets beyond the orbit of Neptune ------- (dwarf planets) within the Kuiper belt -- and possibly even the Oort Cloud surrounding the solar system.

  3. This Nibiru stuff is nonsense.

  4. The Nibiru on a collision course with Earth was announced in 1995, was called Planet X, and Pluto was still a planet. X is ten in roman numerals, but could be considered an unknown if the reference is algebra. And Pluto isn't the first planet to be evicted from the planet club.  Ceres was a planet from about 1800 to about 1850. So, Nibiru could be Planet XI. By the proposed definition for "planet" at the IAU the other year, Vesta might also be a planet.  If that happened, then Nibiru could be Planet XII.  And we'd have over 40 planets already, even if Nibiru never materializes.

    The Nibiru proponents claim that it will impact the Earth in 2012. There is considerable evidence that a large planet like Nibiru doesn't exist if it can make it here in only 4 years. We'd have seen it.  For example, I'd have seen it with my backyard telescope. Nibiru is not currently recognized as a planet by the International Astronomical Union.

  5. Cause they're dumb, haha.

    When I read the title of this question I was just going to reply and ask what the 9th, 10th, and 11th planets were.

  6. Niburu doesn't exist, it  is an ancient myth.  Currently there are 8 planets, 2 plutoids (Pluto and Eris in the Kuiper Belt) and one dwarf planet (Ceres, in the Asteroid Belt).

  7. Will anyone ever shut up about the Nibiru thing? Why doesn't NASA just build a fake planet made from Lego or something and stick it in orbit and call it Nibiru just to keep the nutters happy? If it existed and was so dangerous, we would have seen it and its effects by now.

  8. omg...this doesn't exists

  9. FACT

    Nibiru or Neberu is another name for the Mesopotamian god Enlil.  This god was associated with the planet we call Jupiter, and the Mesopotamians called Jupiter "Neberu".  So Nibiru is Jupiter, it is just an old name for it.  It is not some 12th planet.  


    The ******** about it being a 12th planet was started by a liar and fraud called Zechariah Sitchin who claimed to be able to read cuneiform.  He could not. But genuine scholars have been able to do so for more than 100 years.  He stole some of their work and invented the rest to write sensational books about prophecies of doom.


    Zechariah Sitchin was a cheat, a liar and a thief.  


    Pluto is not a protoplanet.  Pluto was reclassified as a dwarf planet at the meeting of the International Astronomical Union in August 2006.  There are more dwarf planets around the size of Pluto further out, for example Eris and Sedna.  They are NOT Nibiru or planet X.  They are called "dwarf planets" as they are small, and too small to have cleared their vicinity of orbiting rocks and icebergs because they do not have a large enough gravitational field.


    There is no planet approaching the Earth. Anyone who tells you different in a magazine, book, website, TV show or personally is a fraud or a fool.

  10. You have to go back to the original tablets talking about the planets and how they determined the number.  The Sumerian tablets are about 7000 years old.

  11. Don't fall for the hoaxes>>>Niburu X simply does not exist.

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