
The very first computer?

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I want to know what the very first computer was who made it when etc. please give as much info as u can.

Thank you




  1. i had a test on it was invented by Herman Hollerith in 1888!!!!

  2. Search It

  3. The Z1 originally created by Germany's Konrad Zuse in his parents living room in 1936 to 1938 is considered to be the first electrical binary programmable computer.

    Short for Atanasoff-Berry Computer, the ABC started being developed by Professor John Vincent Atanasoff and graduate student Cliff Berry in 1937 and continued to be developed until 1942 at the Iowa State College (now Iowa State University). On October 19, 1973, US Federal Judge Earl R. Larson signed his decision that the ENIAC patent by Eckert and Mauchly was invalid and named Atanasoff the inventor of the electronic digital computer.

    The ENIAC was invented by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly at the University of Pennsylvania and began construction in 1943  and was not completed until  1946. It occupied about 1,800 square feet and used about 18,000 vacuum tubes, weighing almost 50 tons. Although the Judge ruled that the ABC computer was the first digital computer many still consider the ENIAC to be the first digital computer.

    The early British computer known as the  EDSAC is considered to be the first stored program electronic computer. The computer performed its first calculation on May 6, 1949 and was the computer that ran the first graphical computer game.

    In 1975 Ed Roberts coined the term personal computer when he introduced the Altair 8800. Although the first personal computer is considered to be the Kenback-1, which was first introduced for $750 in 1971. The computer relied on a series of switches for inputting data and output data by turning on and off a series of lights.

    The Micral is considered the be the first commercial non-assembly computer. The computer used the Intel 8008 processor and sold for $1,750 in 1973.

    Although never sold the first  workstation is considered to be the  Xerox Alto, introduced in 1974. The computer was revolutionary for its time and included a fully functional computer, display, and mouse. The computer operated like many computers today utilizing windows, menus and icons as an interface to its operating system

  4. Depends on what you define as "computer". If we follow definition, a computer is a machine which manipulates data according to a list of instructions given to it. That being the case, many historians attribute the "birth of the computer" to Charles Babbage, of whom was an English mathematician, philosopher, inventor and mechanical engineer. He invented something called the "Difference Engine" which was designed to take in and tabulate polynominal functions. However, the Difference Engine is reported to have later crumbled, so its predecessor was the "Analytical Engine" but unfortunately it was unable to be completed due to the government abstaining from funding the creation.

    But there are still many things on what you define as "computer". Do you mean the computers we use today? If you are discussing about that, the first computer, or personal computer rather, the first was Hewlett-Packard 9100A but at its time, was defined as a calculator because it being called a computer would have made consumers shy away. Mainframes and Maincomputers were also along the same timeline of computers but I doubt you really wanted me to get into so much depth of computing history. The Personal Computing "Revolution" came via Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak designing the Apple I. I remember watching a documentary called "Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates" and in one part of the documentary Steve Jobs was the main person behind the cofounding of the machine, described as being "excited" at the prospects of computing. Looking at the Apple I today is rather looks like something made out of a kid's bedroom, but it laid down the foundations of modern personal computing:

    Since then, Apple Inc has been continually adding to the computing world, even developing a loyal consumer base. Bill Gates developed the operating system on a mass scale with Microsoft, but then operating systems are further out of the computing field.

    But even yet, this answer is still insufficient, seeing that "computers" can be dated back to the Prehistoric Ages, with something found in Africa called the "Ishango Bone".

  5. The Antikythera mechanism, a mechanical computer built somewhere around 100 BC for calculating astronomical positions, was found in a shipwreck off of Antikythera in 1900.

  6. yeah I will return back to this question... cause I wanna know the answer too

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