
The worst

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Never before have I had menstrual cramps as severe as this. It hurts to stand. It hurts to lay down. It hurts to move. The only way that I know how to deal with it is going to sleep, but the pain is keeping me awake. Does anyone have any advice on how to ease the pain? It would be very much appreciated. Thanks!




  1. MIDOL!

  2. When I was younger I always had severe cramps. I was diagnosed with Dysmemenorrnea. There could be some reason that you are having such pain this time, like an infection, etc One question; does your blood clot? If you should continue to hurt like this, you really should see a doctor. In the meantime try using a heating pad, or hot water bottle. My doctor told me to take 200 mg. of ibuprofen 4 times a day, with food....or 220 mg. of naproxen sodium 2 times a day with food. I hope you feel better soon, I know how painful cramps are. This may sound goofy, but it may also be to your advantage to massage the painful area also. I was also told to try to keep moving around, and that was the number one hardest thing to do! These are just a few things my doctor told ME to do, and I can't stress that enough. You probably need to see your doctor to know for sure what is causing your pain. Good luck!

  3. Get a hot water bottle and fil it with warm- hot water and hold it over your stomach, if it's too hot wrap it in something soft like a blanket then hold it on and take 2 paracetamol(or however many the brand says) and lie down and try to think about something else till you fall asleep.

  4. when i was younger  advil  is  very  good  and  doing  situps and  also  try  not  eating  so many sweets  around  that time  and  during that time can  make you have  severe cramps.    

  5. sorry to hear about your pain try paracetemol or failing that try codeine which might have to be prescribed  hope u get better soon

  6. Wow, try a heating pad with some Midol or Tylenol.

  7. There are a few things you can do:

    Take a hot bath

    Use a hot pad on your lower stomach

    Take midol, pamprin, or ibuprofen

    Drink a lot of water and eat good foods so you don't get constipated, as that can make the problems worse.  Eat all of your greens like spinach.

    Exercise if you can (I heard it helps, haven't tried it)

    I did a quick web search and found a couple of websites that may help you.  Hope you find something to alleviate the pain!

  8. Ibprouhben. i acutally went to the doc and got perscreibed cramp medicine becusase mine are that bad. maybe you should do that or even birthcontro.. goodluck
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