
Things that you go hmmmm...?

by Guest61356  |  earlier

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what is it that interests people so much about paranormal events and parapsychology? Why do they take up so much of their time researching it when there are much better, more exciting things to do with their lives. Like maybe spend time with someone they love??




  1. because there are a lot of people in this world that r really pathetic and dont have anyone to love or love them so they have to find something to try and make their lives meaningful. they invest so much time in said practice that they realize they have nothing better to do and become consumed by it

  2. the state of exceeding what is normal or sufficient ;well,it is clearly showing in your question or it can be that you are very


  3. knowing is evolving and seeking is human.

    You can spend time with your loved ones and still do things. Some people feel that they have a calling, and they gravitate towards their interest.

  4. Why do poeple explore space and the oceans? Why do scientists research new technologies? It is the great unknown. Each person will have their own and different answer.

  5. I don't know exactly. Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays. Maybe that has something to do with it.

  6. You can also look at it like this.  What do you love to do?  Why don't you stop doing the the things you like and spend time with the person you love?  I think you are standing on a soap box and trying to preach your opinion to others.  If those people enjoy what they do then the subject is exciting to them.. therefore they are not really wasting thier lives.

  7. Everyone isn't the stereotypical, I have great friends and family people. I already have enough trouble gaining friends as it is. Yet alone a gf.

    Have you ever thought that some people arn't like you and that people have many different interests?

    This stutf IS exciting. Its like looking for buried treasure. But ofcourse people like you don't appriciate this kind of stuff.

    I consider learning this stuff very fulfilling and useful.

    Ever also though that this stuff is just a past time thing for some people and arn't their whole lives.

    If the whole world just cared about having a good time, then we would be extinct ages ago.

    Pretty ignorant and intrisive question if you ask me.

  8. I absolutely adore research.  One of my majors is parapsych/paranormal phenomenon.  Much of my research I use for writing.  I don't want to be in a relationship right now either.  Bacon makes me go Hmmmmm!, so does coffee, so do barbeque spare ribs.

  9. personally i'm lookig for answers is there a god,is this it when we die but ive come to the conclusion there is no right answer so ill keep looking

  10. My husband and I really enjoy investigating the paranormal.   For us, it's somewhat of a spiritual experience to make discoveries of phenomena that can have only one explanation, although we stay objective and have been able to debunk some of our evidence after reviewing it as well. When we come home and review the pictures and the audio, there is nothing more exciting than realizing we've got a clear EVP or some other phenomena other than our own experience while we were out.

    I guess you really wouldn't understand fully unless you've had some type of paranormal experience, or have investigated and made a discovery yourself.

  11. The fact that it is NOT the ordinary stuff, that happens any ordinary day to ordinary people.

    I guess the real thing about the paranormal world is that, it is unexplained by science (and is therefore often classed outside the physics and biology sections of science. i.e.: it has its own subheading - "Alternative"). Science always tries to explain everything, but the paranormal stuff - most if it cannot be proved 100% real OR tested OR it is not understood well. That is what makes it SO interesting.

    Because of that, most (ok, no... some) of us spend a considerable amount of time researching after it. Some of us do it for pure entertainment (to get thrills/scare others... etc), others do it through interest because it's just so... thought provoking, so mysterious, so interesting - we often have a part of our minds urging us to find out more. Other people do it out of sheer boredom, and accidentally come across it.

    As for the last part of your question, that is not necessarily true. And it is not necessarily NOT as 'exciting' as the 'other exciting things in life'. Personally, I have a huge interest in the paranormal world for personal reasons, and because I am an 'info-hungry' person. This does not mean I spend TOO long researching after it; it is just a matter of knowing the difference between a hobby and a career.  (Some people dedicate their life towards intense studying/researching/hunting towards the paranormal).

    To this day, I don't know anyone who has actually put their 'loved one' as second best, next to their paranormal interests.

  12. i think a part of that is the human desire to live forever. it wants an affirmation that something is indeed bigger out there. that's why the missed the whole point of it all -that' whatever's bigger than us is already inside all of us from the start.

  13. I hope you understand that one day you and I both will be entering the world of the paranormal when we die. Hope to meet you when we get there but till then here is your answer. Since the dawn of mankind, man has always tried to explain what it is thats out there beyond our control. Why do we have limits and yet some people can fall out of airplanes and hit the ground and live when we all know they should have died. It's that unknown force that compells everything in the universe to do the exact thing to an exact time and place so things in it's order can come to the day lets say to the day you were born. If someone had said exactly 100 years before you were born that you were going to be born on a certain day and time, no one would believe that someone but i'm here to tell you that everything in the universe was rearranged to it's course so you could be born on a certain day at a exact time so your energy would co-exsist with everything in this world and the universe. Paranormal is'nt just about ghost, it's about the unexplained. You and I were paranormal before we were born, no one could explain our exsistince but your mom and dad knew you because you are a part of them and the world was without a clue and the world made room for you.

  14. If they love someone with psychic powers, they could combine the two. If one was so inclined, one could have a baby for fun, that is much more fascinating than paranormal

  15. It sounds like you may have a specific person in mind when you ask that question, but I can only answer it broadly (after all, people are different).  Forgive me if this is long, but I'm going to try to help you understand as best I can.

    There are two common reasons for this kind of fascination - the first is the simplest:  they had an experience that they can't explain, and this has alienated them to the rest of society in some ways.  By belonging to a community and studying the things that changed their lives they can not only validate their experience but come to terms with it.

    The next is the more common reason, but it's much harder to explain - the first thing you have to understand is that different people have different needs, and more than likely this person is not your average Joe in at least this respect.

    For some people, they miss the wonder and mystery life held for them as a child - it sometimes seems like everything has been explained or is explainable (or they have simply become habituated to a world that seemed amazing and wonderful at one time).  This is particularly true for extremely imaginative people who can always picture a dozen variations for things in their minds, many of them much better (or at least more fantastic) than they could ever be in reality.  This can be magnified if, as they grow up, nothing fully replaces the joy of the fantasy play they had as a child. So they used to slay dragons and rescue princesses - now they are adults and can bowl and drink . . . . somehow it doesn't seem like an upgrade!  You might say "but at least the things we do as adults are real" - but keep in mind that children at least partly believe that fantastic things are true (I personally spent much of my childhood looking for dragons and unicorns) but adults don't, and probably couldn't even if they wanted too (at least not without being rejected by much of society). This can create a kind of void, a dissatisfaction with life and the world around them - they had to give up beliefs that were better for them than the reality they inherited. So they seek out REAL magic, REAL miracles, they want to find the impossible - but if they are reasonably intelligent it doesn't take long to realize that almost all of it is just trickery.  This can make them feel even more disappointed - not only is the world more dull and less wondrous than they thought, but the only way to escape that void is through deception!  

    Finding a fulfilling relationship with a person can fill some huge needs - but if the person has problems with life, reality, essentially the world as it is for most people, than even the best relationship isn't going to make them feel like they belong in the world - it may not even be enough to make the world fully bearable.  After all, at some point we have to step outside our house, go to work, think about things outside of the people we love.  At some point we are always left to ourselves, and if the nature of life is dissatisfying as a whole, there is going to be a powerful restlessness to correct that feeling.  Some people find it in religion, others politics - but neither of those areas tend to feed the imagination, and they almost never brook questioning (which someone who has already had their beliefs dashed more often than they wanted is going to do a lot of).

    However, parapsychology and the paranormal gives people a way to explore some of these things (magic, miracles, the unknown) scientifically - to explore the instances that CAN'T be proven as hoaxes, unusual natural phenomena, or confused perceptions (not that they couldn't still be any one of those things, but it is also possible they are instances of something else - that's the real magic of the word "unexplained").  It also makes that side of themselves feel useful.  Who wants to think that they just can't adapt to the mainstream adult world when in previous stages of history they probably would have been the tribal shaman or medicine man?  The paranormal may make the world seem deeper, richer - it may drive them to explore and study, in fact, for them it may be what makes life as a whole seem "better and more exciting".

    And of course - what if they're right?  If so are they are part of a tradition that has been the foundation of society from the very beginning - the source of religion, stories, and deeply held beliefs about life and death - if they are right they are partaking in one of the oldest and most important functions in human history.  If they are wrong they are just miserable pathetic people.  Who wants to be miserable and pathetic?  Especially if it's impossible to prove them wrong!

    Either way - this is usually a reflection of some pretty deep needs within a person, it's a fundamental part of who they are.  If someone they love wants to spend more time with them, they would probably need to share this interest with them.  If a person finds deep satisfaction from doing something, the last thing they want to hear from the people they love is that "there are much better, more exciting things to do".  It makes them feel belittled, and it makes them feel like you are saying that they are less good, and less exciting than you would like.  If that's the case, they would probably be less motivated to spend time with them - even if they love them.  Who wants to be hurt by the ones you love?  So they may go off in private and delve deeper into their interest.

    If you really want to understand, ASK THEM why they are so fascinated by it, but try to do it in a way that doesn't put it or them down - this might be challenging, especially if you've done so in the past which would make them instinctively suspicious.  You might find that once they are fully comfortable talking about it that they enjoy doing so - if it becomes something you can talk about together, something that they are itching to show and share with you I'm sure it can only make the bond much deeper.

    Of course, if it really does seem like they should be doing better, more exciting things to you - then I'm inclined to think you should go find someone who does.  You would both be happier in the long run.

  16. People who read someone elses old literature and take it as truth and by faith. Maybe it was just a bedtime story etc.? I haven't anyone right now except for my remote.(We are very close uno.)

  17. i have seen things.......done things.......saw things happen to the people i love.......yeah......ITS REAL.... and once you see one thing you are intregued to see more, and learn more.

  18. I think it is facinating to learn about the stories of the unknown. The fact that it has the potiental to happen to me is absolutly mindbogling.

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