
Think I'm pregnant??

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so I had unprotected s*x on Aug. 3rd. and "fertility friend online" said my period shoulda started on Aug. 22nd, & today is Aug. 27th... I took 2 pregnancy of em 5 days before missed period & the other one, I took ON the day of my missed period, both came back negative, What do u think, do u think maybe I didn't have enuff preg. hormone to detect or just not prego?

Also, a week b4 my missed period I went 2 tha restroom & wiped & the t.p was tinged light pink, & was like that for a day or so. Then nothing after, no period nothing.... (possible implantation bleeding?) - Thanx for the answers! ♥




  1. best thing is to go see your gp cos they will find out for sure and then advise you from there

  2. HPTs are usually accurate the day of, or a couple of days after you miss your period.  hCG doubles every 48 hours, so wait 2 days and then take another test.

    Hope you get the result you want!

  3. Wait one week than do test again.

  4. Do you have any other symptoms like tender swollen breast's, mild cramping, very tired for no reason? If so; then yeah sweetie your prolly preggo but the best way to know is to go get your blood drawn to check your HCG level. I knew i was pregnant just 4 days after conception but i took like 4 tests and they all said neg. but then someone told me to use First Response and sure enough it worked like 3-4 days before my period and showed a big fat positive, so try that hopefully you find out either way..... GOOD LUCK  

  5. yea very likely implantation bleeding, and you prob didn't have enough hcg in your urine, wait a couple days and do it again.  

  6. You could be pregnant and didn't have enough hCG in your system to show up on the test.
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