
Thinking About Coming Out?

by  |  earlier

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Any advice?




  1. It will either go really good or really bad. Hope for the best. If it goes bad and you need a supportive g*y friend you can message me.

  2. Play that song "Im coming out, I want the world to know" and see how your parents react

  3. A) How old are you?

    B) Are you rock steady sure about your orientation?

         These two issues make all the difference in the world. If you are sure that you are g*y- VERY sure- and you feel old enough for the declaration- do it. The more of us out of the Closet- the better for the community.

  4. don't do it

  5. if your under 18 and living at home you first have to know how your parents are gonna react, you need a roof over your head. other than that, go for it, life is too short to live a lie. good luck!

  6. don't be the first one...

  7. I can just say if you hold it in, it will become a burden on you...but only do what is comfortable with you and at the same time make sure you except yourself as you are...if you don't hear the advice you want or it doesn't help you....keep asking, eventually something will come to you.

  8. i think its a good idea,,

    but i wouldnt come out to everyone all at once,,

    i would first come out to the ones you trust the mostt,,

    and that doesnt have to be your parentss,,

    many friends will be more accepting at first,,

    whereas your parents may take some timee,,

    your gonna be a little nervouss,,

    but dont let that stop youu,,

    just relax and be happy that you are being true to yourself,,

    i told many people i am gayy,,

    and every single one of them has fully accepted mee.

  9. The only helpful advice is to be careful. Come out, at least at first, to people you are pretty sure will be cool with it (you don't have to tell your parents first if there's a chance they will be angry). At least by coming out and having good reactions first you will be more confident and have somebody to turn to and talk to if somebody else has a bad reaction.

    The second, and no less important, piece of advice is to not come out and then immediately start acting like a screaming queen. If you want to do that then work up to it slowly or everybody else will be in shock. I don't mean to sound rude because i know it's a stereotype but one of my friends did it like that and his whole family and all of our friends were in shock for about 6 months afterwards.

  10. Why not. Everyone does sooner or later.

  11. Don't come out to everyone yet give it time tell people who you talk to frequently and if their not ok with it kick them to the curb! Everytime you lose 1 friend you make 3 more!

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