
Thinking about eating meat again?

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I'm 13, and i've been vegetarian for a year and a half now.

I've thought it over for a while and i've realized my diet isn't up to par. You see, i don't get enough protein, iron, and other vital nutrients. I either need to get my diet together, or start eating meat.

Yes, i know i can easily get these nutrients with supplements and other food choices. But am I going to remember to take a pill EVERY day? Will i still choose the tastier less healthier options?


I either need advice on going back to meat, healthily, or EASY, TASTY ways on getting good supplements, or just advice in general.

thanks in advance.




  1. It's sometimes hard to eat vegetarian when you still live with your parents. They have to understand that vegetarian food is more than just spaghetti with tomato sauce. Or are you already cooking for yourself?

    Supplements do suck. It's a difficult option.

    You could try seeing a doctor to check if your diet isn't up to par, or maybe a nutritionist... but are you going to follow their advice daily... hard to say.

    My view is that if you find it's affecting your health, it's not wrong to go back to eating a little meat now and then. Especially since you are really young. I am a vegetarian but I do admit that our bodies are designed to eat meat from time to time, and if you're surrounded by people eating the North American diet, it's hard to get all the vitamins and minerals a young body needs without some meat.

    You might consider becoming a pescetarian which means you would occasionally eat fish. Fish tends to be a lot healthier and leaner and allowing that in your diet is more ecologically responsible than poultry or red meat.

    Edit: yeah, you are falling into the common trap of having a carb-based diet. That's very common for new vegetarians. If you are serious about being veg, your diet has to have a lot more lentils and beans and nuts.  

  2. I've been a vegetarian on/off for 5 years.  My vitamin levels are all out of whack. It would be a good idea if you stay a vegetarian to get your blood tested every once in awhile, maybe once a year.  Also you need to take supplements. Just take them at the same time every day and stick them for example by your toothbrush so you don't forget.  You should take a B complex.

    Also an easy way to get more nutrients is to pair certain foods up with one another. If you eat all veggies you should also eat something with fat to help it be absorbed by your body.

    For more iron eat dark greens with either tomato sauce or citrus.

    For calcium eat broccoli with cheese

    I tend to eat seafood when I'm feeling weak or sick, I feel less bad about it for some reason.  You could also eat a piece of meat a month.

    Good Luck

  3. If you want to stay vegetarian, a good way to get protein is through beans and nuts. Have a bag of peanuts/almonds a day.

    Make tacos with refried beans (DELICIOUS with taco bell seasoning), add baked beans to your meals, or try eating soups (like minestrone) that have beans in it.

    Another good thing to do is to always have trail mix with you and munch on that throughout the day. It is healthy, will help control your appetite, and has protien (nuts).

    As for eating meat again (I dont suggest it because I'm vegetarian. lol.) Start with chicken and fish to get your stomache used to digesting the flesh again. Then slowly work your way up to other meats by eating SMALL portions of it with meals.

    Vegetarian recipe websites have a LOT of food choices with beans/nuts in them that can help you get your protein in a tasty way :)

  4. Hey im 13 too well ive mean a vegetarian for all of my life (thanks to my parents) im pretty healthy for proteins you should eat vegetarian hotdogs vegeburges and other stuff like that here are two vegetarian brands morning star and boca their really good!!!

  5. What makes you think you're not getting enough iron or protein, and why do you think supplements are necessary as a substitute? They are not. Supplements are only for people with bad diets, whether vegetarian, vegan or omnivore.

  6. first of all, there are plenty of delicious vegetarian options out there, so dont give up on it now... i have been vegetarian (not vegan- thats too hard for me) for over a decade now...

    im going to start with something very typical: a salad... but it doesnt have to be boring... just google things like "vegetarian source ___" with the name of the vitamin or nutrient you want more of (i.e. iron, protein) and it will lead to many helpful sites... with a salad, you can do something delicious with just greens and a really great dressing, or you could make a really great fruit salad... if u want to opt for something... less healthy, then look up vegetarian recipes for things like brownies, cakes, etc. so that you have something to satisfy that craving you may be having...

    also try different ethnic foods... there are lots of options with indian food that are both delicious and nuricious... some pack a punch with iron while others give you all the protein you need...

    as for vitamin c and things like that, i am going to have to say it is probably best u get to liking fruits... i regularly eat 3 or 4 pieces of fruit a day without realizing it- i just dont eat the same fruits or vegetables everyday becuz that would get boring... try a new exotic fruit or vegetable every week to keep you excited about what ur eating... and when ur sick, just drink lots of orange juice and other fluids- u will bonce back! my mom usually makes me drink about 15 to 20 glasses of liquid each day i am sick, so that cleans my system out within a couple days...

    the key is to keep your diet exciting and find healthy foods u actually like... for example, i really like white nectarines and berries- there are lots of berries every season, so i find something new and delicious when one gets old... or try the traditional strawberries and chocolate- never gets old....

    and one last comment before i finish- try adding this healthy stuff to fatty foods u usually eat... for ex, make a healthy dip or salsa to go with chips (fruit salsa, beans and fruit salsa, traditional mexican salsa, etc.) or maybe cut strawberries to go with that strawberry shortcake... or pile blueberries on the side with a slice of cheesecake... have an orange while watching tv- it requires real work and is sweet and juicy... so u dont get bored with it... or how about take a thing of grapes when ur walking to the park with ur friends, or something... just be creative...

  7. congrats hun, but i cant blame you...when you see videos pics of what they do to animals-dang. but then its so tasty, anywho.

    drink lots of milk, take vitamins, eat whole grain, veggies, eggs, if you google it youll find more! and recipes

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