
Thinking about getting a tattoo...?

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Okay so I'm think about getting a small tattoo ...

This isn't a spur of the moment decision, which is exactly why I'm asking for tips and advice on here.

I'm thinknig of getting a scycle and hammer communist flag somehwere on my body , originally I wanted it on my hip but I don't want the tattoo to stretch with age.

So I'm looking for any and all advice or tips from an experienced tattoed person.

Where on my body should I get my tattoo?

(not on my arms for sure though)

Is it true that red ink colour is the only ink colour that scabs?

This is obviously a painful experience, is it worth the pain?

Know anyone, or yourself, that regrets getting a tattoo?

All and all, is getting a tattoo worth it in the end? (if it turns out okay)

Thanks for your help. :D




  1. I have a tattoo on my hip.  I got it when I was 22.  I am now 37 and have two beautiful children.  I was worried it was going to stretch when I was pregnant - it didn't.  Except for the fading, which happens over time, and the few pounds I gained with the kiddos, it looks the same as it did the day I got it.  I have no regrets and have actually been designing a second one with my kids name's.

    Oh, mine is black and blue, and I had scabbing. And in regards to the regrets; I did have a friend who got one as a teenager, he's my age, and about five years ago he had it removed.  He has others but the ones he got when he was young he no longer enjoys.  

    Last thing, then I'll shut up.  Whatever you get, and whereever you get it consider your future.  People have perceptions of what those in certain jobs should look like.  I am a high school teacher.  A teacher friend of mine got one two years ago on the back of her neck.  She purposefully got it low and never wears her hair up.  Another friend got one a little higher on her leg, in her calf (is that the right spelling of this calf?) area so she could still wear skirts and capris but so students wouldn't see it.  It's all about perception and presentation.  Best wishes in your decision making!

  2. All your skin stretches with age and tattoos will fade with age as well.  No real way to stop that.

    All ink scabs, red and yellow are the hardest to heal/keep.  Not all skin types get along well with those two colours.

    If you really want a tattoo it's always worth the pain.

    If you really want the tattoo you should know you won't regret it.

    I think so.  I love all my tattoos and piercings.  I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.

  3. A tattoo is an awesome thing to get!! No red ink is not the only ink that scabs, all tattoos scabs for the first couple weeks. I would be careful about getting red though because alot of times it fades on people. I got two tattoos and I love them! One on my hip and one on my foot. I want more :]

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