
Thinking of getting fish...?

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I have been considering getting some goldfish for a while, but after reading about it online, I asked a guy at our local pet store. He told us that a 21L tank will do 3 gold fish, and that they would only grow to the size of their environment. I really don't want to be unintentionally cruel, so I am wanting some advice of experienced fish keepers!! I would like a plastic aquarium as glass is a hazard in out house, but I can't seem to find one bigger than 21L, so if you have any advice of gettin fish for a first timer, id appreciate it!




  1. i have always had a gold fish i currently have two because one died i had her 4 years from a fair but yeah i used to keep mine in a plastic tank and all 3 were fine my plastic tank is less than 21Ls and i still sometimes use it when i clean out the fish but im sure they will be fine also my fish currently now live in a 4ft tank in my room whith my tropical and my pleco and they are really happy gold fish arnt fussy

  2. well i first started out with goldfish like yourself, my first goldfish were in a 15L and there were 2 fish. they were shbunkins!! my tank was plastic

  3. Fish only grow the size of their enviroment.... Thats a load of nonsense!

  4. If you have goldfish, dont get anything other than goldfish. e.g. tropical fish. It has something to do with the c**p.........idk. but i know this from experience. and clean the tank very often. the bigger tank the better because they will be more healthy with a bigger space. Hope it helped :) :)

  5. The guy at the pet shop is partially right. The goldfish's outside will only grow to match his environment, but what he didn't know was that goldfish's insides continue to grow even when their body and skin stop growing. This leads to fatal internal problems and pain for the fish.If the tank has a heater and filter, why not try some dwarf puffers?

    They are cute and you can keep several of them together.

  6. First of all, well done you for researching the hobby before getting the fish.  I honestly wish there were more like you!

    Secondly, predictably, the pet shop told you a load of old tripe!  Goldfish are large waste machines, that need excellent filtration and large tanks.  The myth that fish grow to the size of their environment is one that leads to millions of fish living in tiny aquaria and far too many keepers thinking the fish are "fine".  It's therefore a myth that needs to be banished.  What actually happens, is that the fish become stunted, the outer body of the fish stop growing, but the internal organs don't - they keep growing and become compacted.  The fish can live for months or even years in this condition, becoming ever more stunted and living in increasing levels of agony.  They eventually die of massive organ or renal failure - and that's if ammonia doesn't kill them off first (see the links in Sources).


    For 1-3 fancy goldfish, you're looking at a minimum of 30gal (55gal+ for a single common).  Plastic won't accommodate that amount of water so the only options are glass or acrylic (aquarium glass is stronger than it looks).

  7. i have a 78l tank, that has 2 goldfish, 3 golden mountain minnows, 2 weather loaches and 4 leopard danios, my tank stays at roughly 23*c which is why i can have some tropical fish tht live in cooler water, and before anyone says its too overstocked its not! my fish are really healthy and have been alive for around 3 years so far!

    So just follow the fish shops advice, but only if it is a reputable shop and they know what they are talking about like maidenhead aquatics, which are situated all over the uk,


    *a 21l would probably comfortably hold 2 but no more, thts where i kept my goldfish before i moved them too the bigger tank with the others*

    hope i helped!!!


    have fun with your fish!! xx

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