
This hellish existence...?

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i'm 20 and i'm average weight. i don't look like i have an eating disorder. but sometimes i can't control my sweet tooth and i end up binging on junk food early in the day and end up regretting it. it ruins my entire day and i just wait for the day to end so i can start over. when the next day comes sometimes i end up doing it again. even on days when i eat healthy, my stomach feels extremely bloated if i eat more than the tiny amount i've become accustomed to eating. sometimes i take a natural laxative/ fiber supplements to get rid of this feeling. I haven't had my period for 3 months now and i've even gone 5 months w/out it even though i'm not sexually active or anything. i'm extremely scared of gaining weight as i have been slightly overweight and people (esp in my family) have expressed disgust at my appearance. i live alone and i'm lonely. i've suffered a lot of emotional/physical abuse especially from my mom and brother growing up. it's impossible to communicate with my dad on matters beyond physical/material necessities. i find it extremely difficult to feel comfortable around people so i don't have many friends. how can i get rid of this fear of gaining weight and eat like everyone else?




  1. It sounds as if you're overreacting to the emotional abuse. You cannot accept yourself as you are and hold yourself to physical ideals that are impossible for any normal woman to attain. Your lack of menstruation proves that there is something definitely wrong.

      Please get yourself to a dr. and get help for your disorder.

  2. You need to see a doctor for a thorough checkup. Also learn to go easy on yourself--why are you judging yourself so harshly? Don't you deserve a treat every once in a while? You sound like you are your own worst enemy, when the reality is you are a child of God and very much loved.

  3. you need to feed yourself food that has nutrients -

    feed your sweet tooth by eating lots of FRUIT - bananas, pears, blueberries, dates, apples, peaches, nectarines, apricots, pineapple, papayas, mangos and on and on..  raw fruits and vegetables should make up most of your diet.  then you are giving your body more of what it needs and this insanity may slow down some..

    also eat walnuts they will help lift your mood/slow your anxiety some. you have to forgive people who have hurt you..  it just hurts you.. unforgiveness to one person affects ALL your relationships..

  4. My friend, try to remember that this is nothing compared to the true h**l so many live through. You worry about eating too much, while nearly 1/3 of the world worries about starving to death.

  5. It sounds like you have an eating disorder and would benefit a lot from working with a therapist who specializes in EDs.  

  6. You need to check with a doc on the junk food binging.  It may have to do with sugar level regulation, i.e. diabetes.

    Track the foods you eat when you eat healthy and end up feeling bloated.  It might come down to something as simple as you having allergic reaction to certain foods.

  7. 1] Read "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren (best seller).

    2] Get a full physical including blood workup by your general physician.

    3] Talk to a therapist/counselor to help with stress, depression, anxiety and eating problems.

    4] Join a health club that stresses healthy diet. Exercise helps to break bad eating habits and cleanse the body.

    5] Drink lots of quality water. Put a carbon filter on your kitchen faucet for drinking water. Can buy the filter from Walmart.

    6] Get plenty of quality sleep every day.

    If you practice these things, you will feel better and better every week. Take care of yourself.

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