
This is REALLY embrassing ?!! help please!?

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ok this is really really embrassing. Im 14 years old and i still suck my thumb. No one knows not even my bestest friends in the world only my family knows and i would DIE of embrassement at school. I really need to stop but i can't sleep if i don't. Any idea's on how I could stop??

Also please don't say im a baby




  1. i sucked a dummy until i was 6! try getting a security blanket or a teddy bear and cuddle them insted =] it will eventually work! also try and put something disgusting on you thumb then you wont want to =]

  2. Don't worry, my cousin is almost 20 and she still sucks her thumb.

  3. It's okay diddums!

  4. What to do is get a mouth guard (you can buy them cheap from sports shops for like a pound) and put it in before you go to sleep at night, it'll be impossible for you to suck your thumb with that in! I used it when I was grinding my teeth in my sleep and it worked wonders, I don't need to use it anymore. If you keep using it for a few weeks, you'll get out of the habit of doing it, then you can throw away the mouth guard as well.

  5. How to Stop Thumbsucking

    Thumb-sucking is a very natural process of sucking a thumb, or sometimes finger, for comfort. Most babies do this in the womb before birth and the habit normally stops about 2-5 years of age. However, this isn't the case for many people well past this age and the habit continues into the teenage and adult years. Some people find this shameful at an older age or it could be doing hard to your teeth. Fear not Thumbsuckers, Read this wikihow to get you started on a world free from your thumb!

    [edit] StepsAsk yourself why you suck your thumb. Are you simply addicted to the habit? Does it bring you comfort? Help you sleep? Upon discovering your reasons for thumb/finger sucking, try and ask yourself why you want to quit. Are you doing this for yourself or someone else? Are you ashamed? Are your teeth damaged? Record these questions and answers in a journal and keep these thoughts in mind.

    Try and accept your thumb-sucking. Of course, you are trying to stop the habit, not continue it, but once you accept your habits they will be much easier to break. Don't insist to yourself you must stop because it is most likely a habit you've possessed your entire life. Accept the fact you will not break it in a week.

    In your journal, record the times of day you find yourself sucking. If it is before bed, try painting your nails before hand or rubbing your thumb with nail polish remover [cheaper then most icky tasting nail polishes and does the trick!]. If it is when you come home from school/work then have a lollipop on hand to keep yourself from indulging in your digits.

    Once you are cutting back more, try and get support if possible. Try not being alone too much when you its just you and your finger/thumb. Keep yourself nice and busy but not stressed because you'll just be tempted to suck.

    Eventually, the urge to thumbsuck will be less and less. It is good to set aside a day or hour during of the week when you don't have to worry about not thumbsucking. Letting yourself know that the comfort of having your thumb available will make it easier to stop. Soon you won't even care to indulge and your habit will be practically vanished.

    [edit] TipsThumb-sucking has no harm besides dental problems for some. It is safer then drugs. Less risky then s*x. Healthier then indulging on fatty foods. It is a natural drug on hand and can even be a gift depending on how you look at it! If you don't want to give it up, don't. If you do, try your best.

    There are many methods to stop TSing. Some use the good ol' sock over the hand before bed. Some do better with the nail polishes. Or oral devices you can get from a dentist. You can try everything you can think of and see what works for you. There is no one way, really.

    [edit] WarningsNever replace your habit with something worse. As I have said, thumbsucking is one of the safer addictions. If you are going to either be a crack-addict or a thumbsucker, stick to the thumb.

    Don't change your habit for anyone but yourself. This will complicate things and doing it because your parents/sig/friend says you should doesn't mean you are ready to. Thus, making it 10 times harder to quit.

    Keep away from triggers. Such as stress, stuffed animals, blankets, ext. that remind you of TSing when you are still vulenerable. It'll backfire on your progress.

    Don't share your thumbsucking with anyone until you quit. People will probably tease like they often do and it'll hinder your progress once more. If you must share, do it when you are 100% habit free.

  6. thats not embaressing - iv seen adults that still do it.

    dont tell anyone at school though cos theyll probably just slag cos they are too immature to understand

    maybe switch to lollipops??? or pencils??? just think of something else to distract you.

    but sucking pencils is probably not good for you

  7. course ur not a baby . if its a habit then i dont realy know wat too doo , can you all answer mines girls? x

  8. Just put nasty things on your thumb. Like clear nailpolish. You won't put that in your mouth I would hope.

  9. My fiancé is 22 and sucks her thumb and uses a security blanket. I think it's cute. Don't worry.

  10.   use hand santizer on your hands b4 bed ( the stuff i bought tasted badd) then you wont want that in your mouth.  also try and sleep holding onto something  like a teddy bear or blanket so your hands are busy while you sleep.  and dont put your hands around your face cause this will make it more tempting  

  11. if no one knows youve nothing to worry about,,

    but if you are still worried put something that tastes horrid on your thumbs b4 bed,,that will stop you,,,im sure youl be able too buy something from somewhere..


  12. maybe start bitting your nails to calm your self try NOT suckking your thumb

  13. watch the movie thumbsucker. its really awesome and funny and you prob wont feel so bad about your habit afterwards

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