
This is SUPER embarrassing PLEASE HELP?

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Okay and I'm fourteen and I always feel awkward talking to my mom about girl problems and that type of stuff, so please help. What are tips to make my private area down there smoother (shaving) or like more attractive or something. Its just I dont know whats normal hair wise for kids my age and so what is your routine for cleanliness down there? Thanks so much I really really appreciate it!

Love Haleigh<3




  1. hi ! its ok to talk to your mom that whats shes there for ! if not then your not souposed to shave down there only the binki line your soupse to wax on that part. it hurts less. i use wipes or tissues to clean down there.. i hope i helped :]

  2. If you want to shave you can, but it&#039;s pretty hard to get pubic hair to not be stubbly.  It&#039;s very coarse hair so it will naturally not be that smooth when you shave.  You can wax, but you&#039;d probably have to have your mom buy the waxing supplies for you unless you have some way of earning your own money!  Waxing hurts like the devil, but it removes all the hair and keeps it off for about six weeks.

    It is totally normal for girls your age to have a full crop of pubes.  I did when I was 14.  I just trimmed mine shorter with scissors so it was easier to keep everything clean and tangle-free.  That worked really well.

    I hope you don&#039;t think that all people think that pubic hair is unattractive.  There are a lot of guys who think it&#039;s hot.  It&#039;s normal and natural.  Everybody has it.  

    My routine for cleanliness:  Wash with soap and water every day when I take a shower.  Trim with scissors or an electric trimmer as needed.  I don&#039;t shave it all off - it&#039;s a pain in the butt and it itches when it grows back in.  Once in a great while I will wax - like when I know I&#039;ll be wearing a bathing suit a lot (which is rare for me!) and I don&#039;t want to risk any stubble in the bikini zone!

  3. ask your mom

  4. Hey! I&#039;m 16, and I still get that problem.

    As much as people tell you to shave &quot;down their&quot; , DONT!

    It makes it grow uncontrolable and thicker.

    you can wax, but that really hurts.

    You know how there is that stuff that you can rub on hair, leave it on for a few minutes, and wash off? I use that. Veet makes it.

    You can also &quot;trim&quot; it. It doesnt make it grow in any longer.

  5. um u might not want to shave it

    unless it&#039;s really really really hairy

    if you want to wash it put soap on your hand and kind of wipe your area wiht your hand like your wiping and then take a towl and rinse and stuff

    sounds gross i know

    so wash your hands


    evertyings pretty much normal so any hair is good hair

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