
This is about friendship?

by  |  earlier

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i have this friend..uhmm not really a friend actually. we've known each other since 1st yr high school. we had this small fight, and maybe... because of pride, we never tried to approach each other. a lot of things had happened and i guess as time passes by we both started to lose each others' trust. atleast i'm aware of it...anyways we tried to talk and reconcile but in the end we still end up fighting. it's like the more we try to force ourselves to be friends, the more we hate each other. it's so hard for me and i'm sure for her too. we're in the same school and my classroom is just a wall from hers. i don't know what to do. my heart keeps telling me to go and just deal with it but my head says not to be a fool and ignore her for the rest of my life. i'm hesitant to take a risk because i'm afraid that we will just end up like before,,end up hurting each other. it's just so hard to befriend her,,i mean we're really really like from different worlds, or galaxies or universe..whatever you wanna call it. please help me.. i'm running out of time. i want to get this over with once and for all before we graduate in high school




  1. Forget the old times , they are over. They are just a memory. I know it is painful but do it and after sometime you will find out that there was no other way.


  3. Honestly I do not think it's worth trying to befriend her because you guys already tried talking to each other and it's not working out so well. I say just forget about the situation and get on with your life she is enemy number 1.

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