
This is about your water breaking..?

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last night me and my hubby were having s*x.. great s*x even though my belly is sooo tight it gets alil hard to really get into it as much but managed haha. um to get to the point my question is if your water breaks will you feels pains (cramping and all that like real labor) asap? i dont think i broke my water because i havent felt anything. at first i was thinking maybe i did but an hour later we were done and i didnt have any pains no bleeding nothing so i know it wasnt that. but just a heads up when your water breaks (say during s*x or in shower <where u dont really know) do you get pains right away??

im 40 weeks and 2days




  1. i did. but trust me you will know if your water breaks. for me it was a gush but for a few contractions after i had more water come out you cant miss it. and if its a trickle its continuous for hours. so you will know when your water breaks.

  2. From what my doctor told me you could start to get contractions right after. I usually start getting contractions after s*x anyway though. Since your laready 40 weeks id say theres a good chance that having s*x could have put you into the beginning stages of labor :) My doctor told me my bag of waters is bulging and its only a matter of a few days before it breaks! yay! lol

  3. No, your water can break with no contractions.  That&#039;s what happened to me when I was pregnant with my 5th baby.  I had taken a bath, and was getting ready for bed, and had some light leakage....I didn&#039;t think anything of it.  All that night, every time I&#039;d move, I&#039;d get some leakage.  The next morning, the same thing.  I just thought maybe I was peeing on myself. My mom had called and I told her what was going on, and she said it sounded like my water broke.   I had never had my water break on it&#039;s own before, so I was clueless. I thought it would just &#039;gush&#039; out (like you see in the movies)

    Not necessarily.  I went in to my OB and sure enough, my water did break (it was leaking).  I hadn&#039;t had one contraction.  

    The way to tell if your water broke is by the constant wetness.  It won&#039;t stop.    If you&#039;re unsure, call your OB.  Having broken waters longer than 24 hours is asking for an infection which is dangerous to you and the baby.

    Good luck!  And Congrats on the new baby!!!

  4. It&#039;s common to have your water break and not have any contractions or pain at all.

    But actually, about 85% of women will not have their membranes rupture until labor is well underway. It only ruptures before labor or any regular contractions in about 10-15% of women. If you&#039;re one of those 10-15%, often labor will start on it&#039;s own within a few hours, but you need to go to the hospital as soon as it ruptures whether you are having contractions or not.

  5. Your water breaking will either be a gush or a slow trickle (which can make you think it&#039;s just urine leaking) - I seriously wondered, &quot;Okay, was that water breaking or did I just wet my pants?&quot;

    You may or may not feel contractions immediately after - you won&#039;t feel anything just from the water breaking. I have heard of women who went 1 week without going into labor after water broke. They used midwives and didn&#039;t introduce infection - baby was fine. I started having contractions right away with both babies when mine broke. With my 1st 2 labors - the midwife had to break it. It didn&#039;t break on it&#039;s own.

    If your water breaks, don&#039;t have s*x or take a bath. It&#039;s possible to introduce infection so just walk and go to the hospital or wherever when contractions are 5 mins apart or when you&#039;re ready.  

  6. When my water broke, my contractions actually stopped. Every pregnancy is different. If your water broke, you would continue to have a trickle, as it tries to replenish itself. You would know. It won&#039;t just gush once, and be over. Have s*x again and see what happens, at the very least, the s***n helps to efface your cervix, and can bring on contractions!  Best wishes.  

  7. My water was broken by the doctor, but yes contractions started up almost immediately afterward.

    It&#039;s possible if your bag breaks slowly - and you therefore leak instead of gush - that you would not necessarily have contractions right away.

  8. Contractions do not always start right away. Most of the time they start within 6 hours, but if your water breaks and you dont experience contractions in the next 24 hours, the doctors like to induce to help things moving along.  If you wait too long there could be an infection.  If your water breaks while in the shower you will know when you get out because it will continue leaking until you give birth.  

  9. no  you dont get any pains

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