
This is for the 40 crowd

by Guest32576  |  earlier

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I know what to do with kids but what about college students? Do you watch what you say around them i.e. sexual stuff, foul language, gossip, etc.




  1. no

  2. That would all depend on the s*x of the Students.. With college Guys talking s*x is fine but might make the girls a lil uncomfortable.. Foul language is ok at times.. every one loves gossip... :)

  3. My mom doesn't watch what she says around me anymore.  Swearing in our household was a big NO, but once I got out of high school, my mom calmed down tons, and we have a friendship.  it's so relaxed! No one watches what they say or do anymore,  I'm 19, and walk in the house, grab a beer for myself, and mom and we hang out together.  i also think this is the reason I have NEVER gotten drunk or done drugs.  Because we have such an open relationship. it began to ease into this relationship probably half way through high school. I'd get to have a sip of wine, etc...

  4. no because they are now adults

  5. Yes watch what you say. The mental development of the 20 something is that of what a 10 year old was 25 years ago. They are not mature yet.

  6. When I was 20, I preferred people talking to me as an adult.

    I'll speak to a 20 year old the same as I would a 40 year old.

  7. i have a son in sophmore year of college.

    starting in middleschool i think he could've handled anything.

    he curses himself, and i woudn't be surprised at what he's done with the girls.  

  8. You should watch what you say around everyone, college students included -- and also including the members of the "40 crowd". And 50-through-90+ crowd. Sexual innuendo, foul language, gossip and blasphemy are never proper.

  9. You really don't need to watch what you say - they are adults. I wouldn't say things I don't want repeated since they aren't always the best judges of filtering gossip yet. They may repeat what you say to others. It's fine as long as you don't mind. But that goes with anyone...

  10. Well I'm 16 & every 40+ year old talks to me normally (sexual stuff & foul language included). Now if they're hitting on me that's a different story.

  11. If you know that the person uses that kind of language, then it shouldn't be a big deal. They're supposed to be adults now.

    However, I consider it very rude to use that type of language indiscriminately around people you don't know. I'm 47, and find it offensive when a complete stranger begins using obscene or vulgar language in my presence.

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