
This is getting so annoying?

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ugh! im going into 7th grade and im 13. this incoming 6th grader worships me and my friend amy. at first it was cute because i remember being sort of like that! but now its getting plain out annoying but i dont want to hurt her feelings. She is always like you and amy are so pretty! do my hair do my make up! And do you think you could help me go out with a hot 7th grader. And shes like I want to be the girl with an extremely hot boyfriend, and a closet full of abercrombie, areopostale, and hollister! I want to tell her that boyfriends this young seriously ruin your life (which i know from going through that) but she wont listen! she keeps talking about how popular she wants to be which is another mistake!! I went through all this she is talking about but I cant convince her that she doesnt want that! what should i tell her? or should i just let her go through it so she knows>?




  1. Well, I was going to say just ignore her all together. But you sound like you care about her, so you must like her...but you're just getting annoyed with her. All friends get annoyed with each other.

    Yeah, it doesn't matter if you're popular, no one really cares. I think its good that she wants a lot of friends...but she should just make REAL friends, not the kind that cause drama.

    Just tell her what you told us.  

  2. quit trying to be sooooooooo cool and just chill. i mean dont you think that there is more to life than clothes and boys? do somethin constructive with your time try cooking or dancing and stop measuring you life on popularity

  3. sometimes you  can't tell people things, they have to just go through it to learn the lesson.  She sounds like she may be one of those people.  Remember some people live and thrive on being the center of attention regardless of the consequences of getting there.  In my opinion it is better to have 1 or 2 really great friends than to have 10-15 fake ones.

  4. tell her stop trying and be herself.  Tell her you can't help her because they only person who knows who she really is, is herself and if she tries to be anyone else besides her self she will just get hurt.  Tell her that's it period....and you don't want to hear it again.  Then tell her if she can't leave it be at that then she can't hang out or talked to you anymore, because you only want to hang out with real people not people pretending to be someone else.

  5. you should be proud of yourself.  This young lady believes in you and wants to become you no matter the pain.  Try this, get her to understand there is a smart way to be popular without the big heartache.  Find a very nice looking guy to tell her how great she looks with that fresh look, it will go a long way.   She likes your taste in clothes so what you do is wear things without major names to get her to understand a name does not make you look great just how well you wear them.  It may take time, just remember she looks up to you and do your best.

  6. Wow you are mature.  You can tell her to be herself and tell her that all of what she wants really isn't worth it, but if she won't listen, then you will just have to do the hard thing and let her learn these lessons on her own.

    Just be there to catch her.  She will probably need someone to console her after she gets burned a few times.

  7. I'm glad you have had those experiences and have learned from them! First, try talking to her, one on one, and telling her these things. If that doesn't help, you're just going to have to let her go through those things herself. Would you have listened if someone had told you those things, when you were her age? Probably not. Sometimes the best lessons we learn, we learn from personal experience.

  8. Just tell her the truth, and if she doesn't listen to you make her go through it so she understands.

  9. tell her just that and if she doesnt want to listen than let her go throught it shell learn and hopefuly itll make her a better person to go and make mistakes like you...but then again if your lucky you wont have to see her again considering that shes a 6th grader and your goin to be in the 7th...good luck  

  10. You should tell her exactly how you feel about her and all about your experiences in boyfriends, popularity, and whatever else you want her to know is troublesome.

    Hope I helped!

  11. You seem just like her.

    It seems like your trying way hard to be cool and u act like you've experinced so much more than her, when she's only a year younger than you.

    she needs some growing up to do, but as do you.

  12. Hey dont worry girl. just tell her politely that you want your space. I mean being truthful is the best thing. if i was you i would tell her straight,she is a little too young to be worrying about how hot she want to look and that she wants a boyfriend. Just be polite but truthful :)


  13. if she won't let you help her,

    and learn from your mistakes,

    turn her loose and let her learn them on her own.

    any chance you know her mom

                and could ask her for help?

    or, maybe your mom could talk to her...

  14. Tell her what you just wrote, I wish someone told me it before I went in the in-crowd

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