
This is probably a stupid question?

by  |  earlier

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so, yeah, this may seem like a dumb question, but i kinda need to know. next week, im picking up my friend at the philly airport. can i go like right up to the gate where shes getting off at? or is it better to meet her at the baggage place? or can i do either of those?... i have never been there before, and never picked anyone up at an airport before, so i dont really know what to expect. any info on like, how things work there, or where i can meet her would be greatly appreciated.

- this might be really stupid too, but will i have to go through all the security stuff too? (sorry, i havent been to an airport since i was 4, i dont know how things work there anymore.)




  1. If you dont park then you dont have to pay.

    So just pick her up at the door as she comes out of the airport.

  2. It's not a stupid question. Usually, they don't let you meet anyone at the gate for security reasons. Your best bet, is to meet her at the baggage claim or the two of you can arrange a place to meet.

  3. If you don't know the answer, its not a dumb question.  You should meet her at the luggage area or another spot.  Hopefully you both have cell phones.  If so, this will help you a lot.  You can't get her were she gets off.  She will actually get off of the plane right into the building.  You'll be fine.  It is a big airport but you'll find her.  Make sure you know where she is coming from.  If you get there early enough, you could meet her right as she walks into the building.  I would go early.  No, I'm pretty sure you don't have to go through security anywhere.  Maybe to go in the door.

    Good Luck

  4. meet her at baggage it's just easier

  5. Never been to that airport, but you should just have to follow the signs for arrivals.  You will pick them up at the curb.  They will need to go through baggage themselves.  You should not have to leave your car, otherwise you are parking and paying.  Good luck, airports made me nervous the first few times too!

  6. you can do either of those and you wont have to go through security if u tell her where to meet you can stay in your car and pick her up

  7. You can pick your friend up by either just waiting for her outside the airport in your car. (of course u have to tell her which part/area outside the airport you will be waiting. Or you can park your car in the airport parking lot, and wait with all the people waiting in the arrivals area. You most likely will not go thro security, but to stay on the safe side keep all ur drugs and guns at home :). jk

  8. i don't think they let people go to the gates anymore,due to security reason,my brother is coming home from Iraq in a few days,and he told us they will let military parents if they tell them their son(or daughter) is coming home from over I'm not exactly sure,but i don't think so.

  9. you can't get past security unless you're a ticketed passenger.  so baggage claim is your best bet.

  10. i would think u should wait where the luggage gets droped off and wait for her there. It would be alot more easy for u both but either way idk if they would check u if u are waiting by luggage. well i hope i helped. good luck!!!!!!!!

  11. most airports you'll have to park at to go in and pick up. parking is usually pay parking so most likely you don't want to do that.

    you should be able to drive around to the receiving area of the terminal she's landing at and she'll walk out and you park on the side and pick her up from there.

    give yourself a few extra minutes so you can drive around and find out where you have to go.

  12. Airport security has changed things a lot.   You can no longer go to the gate with a departing passenger or to see one coming in.   Usually the best place to meet them is at baggage claim.   I haven't flown for a couple years though so it is possible that has changed too.   If they don't have baggage sometimes you can just pick them up at the curb a few minutes after the flight arrives.  If they have baggage they would probably appreciate you parking and coming in so that you can help them.   Be aware that you will likely have to pay for parking.

  13. Since the homeland security c**p you cant go into the terminal so you cant meet them at the gate you have to wait at baggage claim for domestic flights and outside at international arrivals pickup for international flights

    PS dont put your question as this is stupid but rather what you are asking

  14. thank the terrorists, you won't be able to go right up to the gate to pick up someone, you'll have to find the baggage claim for their flight and wait there for them, big screens everywhere oughta tell you where to go.

  15. I would suggest you park and meet her at the baggage claim.  At BWI you only have a few seconds to park where she would be exiting from the arriving flights or you have to drive around until she comes out.  I find that a bit nerve racking so I just park.  Oh, you won't have to go through all the security stuff either.

  16. You will not be able to go to the specific arrival gate, but can go to the main exit for all gates. It's easier to meet people at the baggage claim.  Make sure you have the flight number so you'll know which baggage claim area to go to.  You will not have to go through security to get to the baggage claim area.Good luck.

  17. No you can' t go to the gate or the baggage place! You just need to wait at the arrivals area where other people will be waiting too. No you don't need to go through security!

  18. you can't go to the gate, you can either wait AT baggage claim or just outside of it.  There will be an exit that she will be hearded in the direction of.  look for where everyone else is coming out and wait there

    btw NOT a stupid question.  very valid one. (and no you don't have to do security because you will not be going into the boarding area.)

  19. Most place do not allow you to go to the gate anymore. I usually wait outside the security area where all passengers departing come through (at Little Rock anyway) and meet them there.

  20. Usually when you pick up  a person you can just pick them up right outside of the baggage claim area. Yeah you can't meet her at the gate without a ticket anymore. But usually all airports have signs and directions where you need to go. Does he or she have a cell phone? That way they can contact you when he or she is ready.  Don't feel stupid. It's just an honest question. Hope this helps.

  21. you can only go meet her at the gate if she is a minor.(under the age of 15) But you can defiantly meet her at the baggage claim.

    If she is a minor and you have to go up to the gate yes you have to go through security.  hope this helped!

  22. you pull up to the arrivals area which is outside of baggage claim. Make sure you know the carrier so you can be at the right area in arrivals as well.

    It's easiest to wait outside the airport until she calls to say she has touched down and now has her bags. This way you don't have to keep circling the airport, as you are not allowed to wait for them there, you have to keep driving if your person is not there.

  23. Well, now because of all the fun that happened at 9/11 no one can walk to the gates unless they are flying out of them... so you'll have to meet her at baggage. I honestly think this is stupid... but I know it's for everyone's safety.

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