
This is seriuos help!!!!!!!!!?

by Guest33831  |  earlier

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ok so i found a baby robins egg in the middle of my yard. it was kinds cold i searched for a nest and i couldent find one. so i picked it it up and warapped it in a towel. WHAT DO I DOOOOOO




  1. If you can find the nest, put it back.  If you can't find the nest, put it back where you found it.

    It's illegal to take eggs from native wild birds - for any reason, even if they fall from a nest.

    Eggs accidentally fall from nests.  They also get pushed out by predators who raid nests.  If there was a viable embryo inside the egg, it probably died during the fall, or because of being chilled.

    You should not attempt to hatch the egg and you should not keep it.  Even if you could hatch the egg, you would not be able to care for the chick.  Either way, it would die.  

    Put it back and leave it alone.

  2. Nothing, it is next to impossible to hatch the egg even if it is fertile.  The mother robin left it for a reason.

  3. I am not positive b/c I raised baby birds once(successfully) but they were hatched. Keep the eggs warm like put the towel on a heater probably set to low. Then take teh eggs to a bird center like a rehabilitation center tehy could be dead already. But if you think they are already dead which is a very possible chance you might just want to bury them or something.

  4. Eggs are very delicate, a fall from a tree would more then likly kill then baby inside, then if they got cold that would kill them as well.

    If they were hatched then they stand a good chance. Mother Nature knows best in these cases. Deposie of them and do not lose any tears. There was something wrong with them or mother would have keep them safe.

  5. if it is cold its no good don't put it back in the nest if u find it as it wont hatch and the mother will keep sitting on it while the other birds need to be fed and they wont be looked after in the way they should be and could possibly die

  6. well first you should go into a dark room and hold a flashlight on the egg and if thers vain looking thing its fertile second wrapping it in a towl won't keep it warm enough and the fedis will die so by an incubator or something

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