
This isnt premature labor???

by  |  earlier

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So I am 24 weeks and for about the past 1/2 hour I've had reallllly bad lower back pain! It comes and goes, but its kinda scary... My mom said she hopes it wouldnt be labor and I never thought about that... Does anyone have any stories or experiences to share?? Could I maybe have just pulled a muscle? I do have a 21 month old also, so it not like I "rest" all day haha...Just lookinG for reassurance!




  1. It could be that you're not getting as much rest as you need but, it could be too that you might have an urinal infection, that causes lower pain and it's confused with labor pain, I had it with my last pregnancy. Just try to rest as much as your little one lets you and if it persists, go to see your OB.  

  2. Go see ur doc or call the hosp. I went into threatened prem labour at 24 wks. If it that, u need help. Even if it isn't u will get some reassurance from the doc. Call now

  3. go see a doctor ,you can get lower back pain ,its farly normal but it can also be labour ...have you had any blood ,if so get to the doctor Now ...

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