
This just occured to me?

by  |  earlier

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if you're an emercency foster care parent, and both parents work, how does that work? you'd have to take time off, you cant just send a child who's just been taken from their home in school or day care or with a baby sitter while you're gone? would you have to take a few days off? how does that work? information from those who have experienced this, please.




  1. My son was placed with us at about 2 am on a Sunday morning on Labor Day weekend. I ended up taking a couple of days off to secure daycare and enroll him in school. I had never done foster care before, but because my other children are actually his 2nd cousin he was placed with us as an emergency relative placement. He was released from the hospital late Saturday and the worker had been trying for days to find someone to take him in. My ex-husband told the worker to contact me because he was not in a position to take him.

    I would imagine the people that do emergency placement on a regular bases probably have at least one parent that is able to stay home, or they work different shifts though.  I don't know of many employers that would be able to put up with the employee needing time off on such short notice for too long.

  2. I was a foster child, and they will use you only as a last resort if you have to work. They will not make you take off work.

  3. If both parents work they usally work different shifts and one usally has flexable work schedule and only work part time.

  4. I dont know but isnt that somthing that is discuessed and planned for in the homestudy? Things like who will take care of the child and if both parents work what will happen with the child and where will they go to be cared for? I dont know if the emergency fostercare has different guidlines they follow but I think with regular fostercare that is somthing that needs to be resolved before being approved.

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