
This probably gets asked alot..?

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Is 3 lbs in 5 months considered a healthy weight gain for pregnancy?

I'll be 5 months tomorrow. And I'm not piling on the pounds or anything. My doctor isn't easily accessable, so I can't really get ahold of her. Which sucks, so I have to turn to yahoo answers.

I haven't even felt kicks yet, or quickening or anything. This is distressing.

But maybe I'll be less distressed if someone tells me it's normal.




  1. In my experience, doctors have not commented on my weight. So once in awhile I ask, and they always say I'm doing OK, and if they feel I'm not gaining enough they tell me. I've had two babies, 3rd is due in a few weeks. With baby #1, I only gained 20lbs and 6 months pregnant I was still wearing my regular jeans (NOT bragging here, just saying that my weight gain was VERY minimal until the end of the pregnancy.) I didn't feel any movement until really late either, probably close to 26 weeks or so.  

  2. i think its really hard to tell with different people, i have not gained any weight at all, in fact i lost about 10 lbs in the first 3 month, due to a lot of vomiting and sickness. i am starting to get my appetite back and haven't had the urge to puke in awhile. but still have not put on any weight..  have you had ultrasounds/prenatal appts?

    if your doctor is hard to get a hold of or get an appt, i would consider going to a midwife, although i dont have one personally, i have heard a lot of wonderful things about them and how fast and willing they are to helpl

    important thing.. don't stress!! stay positive!!

  3. I would def get a new doctor. You need someone there 24/7 through this! Anyways i wouldn't worry to much i was still loosing weight when i was 5 months. I didnt start to gain any until i was 6 1/2 to 7 months. Some people are different. I would not worry to much. Congrats!

  4. I would find a new doctor.

    If you have a question it needs to be addressed.  Please call and ask a nurse at your obgyn office.

  5. don't you go to regular ob appointments? weight gain is something more appropriately brought up during regular OB appts. since its not a serious health problem/complication normally.

    appropriate weight gain during pregnancy all depends on your pre-pregnancy weight. bigger girls are going to need to gain quite a bit less than recommended, more like 10-15 lbs. and smaller girls are expected to gain more than recommended like closer to 30-35 lbs. normal weight gain is about 25 lbs and many women don't start gaining until halfway through their pregnancy.

    in other words: 3 lbs of weight gain in your first 5 months of pregnancy sounds pretty normal and depending on the needs or your baby and your pre-pregnancy weight you will either still only put on weight slowly or start gaining more rapidly now.

    as far as baby movement, that often depends on the mothers size also. its fine and nothing to worry about if you haven't felt the baby move in the 5th month of pregnancy, some women don't feel it until 22-24 weeks, and it doesn't mean there is anything wrong with the baby or the pregnancy.  if after 6 months you've felt nothing, then you should share your concern with your doctor, other than that, just keep your doctor posted on your progress at your regular OB appointments and know that if there is a problem they will definitely tell you about it.

  6. I didn't gain any weight until about 6.5 or 7 months. And then I gained it quickly, almost 30 lbs!! a healthy boy though!

  7. i am in the same boat and they told me it is completely normal everyone's pregnancy is different, you'll start gaining the weight in the next few mths

  8. My mum gained only 7 kilos when she was pregnant with me and 8 with my brother. And we came out rally healthy babies. We both weighed 3,250 kilos. I hope this helps a little, but please, ask your doctor when you can!!

  9. when i was pregnant with my first i was very sick and in the first 4 months i lost 18 pounds.  it is normal to gain only

    3 pounds just that you are not losing weight.  my daughter was born very healthy but because of the problems i had i was seeing my doctor every week.

  10. I would definitely get a new doctor! You should be seeing your doctor once a month. I gained 5lbs in 6 months and then once I hit 7, 8 now at 9 months I have put on 22lbs throughout my entire pregnancy. The baby has grown soooo much and thank goodness my @ss is still able to fit into my pre-prego jeans. I wouldn't worry about the weight unless you are not eating right and not taking care of yourself. I am sure you are fine though. Some women just don't put on the weight like others. It could be a good thing! I am being induced on monday and have only put on 22lbs and my older sister put on 65lbs during her pregnancy. Everyone is different. You should be able to call an advice nurse too.

    Good luck and call the advice nurse.

  11. from my experience, i gained about 4-5lbs in 5 months. Are you eating well or more than before? if you are feeling healthy and good that is all that matters. you should check with your doctor to make sure if you are worried. just my two sense. good luck!

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