
This really boils my pi*s?

by  |  earlier

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why oh why do car drivers not observe the highway code?

im a lorry driver who is restricted to 55 mph, so why do you car drivers think its ok to drive at 50 mph in the middle lane when the inside lane is free?

we cant overtake nor undertake. you are holding my customers orders up.

please can you help me on this as it is crazy.

please try to defend yourself with a reasonable answer then just stop doing it.

oh then happy driving.


oh and if you work with reptiles, go to medway. you will find loads there.




  1. Whilst I agree with everything you say - what's your problem with Medway? Parts of it, Chatham and Gillingham, are rough and fll of chavs but don't tar all of us with the same brush.

  2. middle lane drivers are a pain in are **** !!!!!

    they shud either move to the slow lane or keep up speed in the outside lane...i totally agree !!!

  3. This problem is universal. It's really amazing how many people have NO IDEA about simple road rules and regulations. I notice also that very few people actually read any of the signs directing them to slow for schools, or "no stopping any time" etc etc

  4. Hahaha I have no response just wanted to say you are correct about the Medway towns and I never heard the expression 'boils my p*ss' before!! Classic!

  5. Like so many generalisations this is very flawed.  Sure those people are inconsiderate, but we have all sat behind a lorry in the outside lane of a dual carriageway for 8 miles while it attempts to pass another restricted vehicle at a speed of 0.001 mph more than the one in the inside lane.

    And just as you and everyone else here (including me) will say we are in the better 50% of drivers, I would bet any money on the fact that we all behave badly behind the wheel on occasions.

    All you can do is to be tolerant, and to be honest lorry drivers need to be more tolerant than car drivers because of the damage they can do when things do go wrong.  Lorries cannot stop in the distance a car can, so tailgating is a serious thing to do in a lorry, as is any behaviour that increases the chances of a crash.  Hand on heart, have you never made a mobile call while driving?  If you have sent a text, then you really need to change jobs.  

    So if this post makes you cross, I think you might not be a good person to keep driving lorries for a living, as I am sure it is less annoying than the car drivers you are complaining about.

  6. I love driving as long as no one else is on the road.

    I think the reason some people are so oblivious to other road users or don't relies there actions affect anyone is because drivers are sooooooooooooo....... pig headed. ( except the little few that actually know how to drive properly).  

    The person sitting in the lane doing 50 probably only comes out on a Sunday.


    Thinks they are trying to show an example to others on how they think people should drive by driving slower which is more dangerous in my opinion.  

    The government seems to think that the best way forward is to make it harder for the younger drivers but don't do anything to the older ones.  The time the older ones past their test it was more than likely there was not a massive motorway running by their town, and most roads have changed so they pretend to think they know what they are doing.  When young people pass their test and see total t*ts on the road, all it does is breed more inconsiderate, pushy, slow, fast, dangerous and all this precise testing blows right out the window.

    Conclusion to your problem either get a web cam or camera in your cab and film all the adventure and name and shame them on the web or just demand that all people who passed a test a certain date go on a refreshers course.

    I am not going to slag off anyone in patticular but no matter if you are a lorry, car, bike, cycilist, horse, tractor etc driver, their is always someone out of each group of drivers that let the side down.

  7. lol frustration of every driver with experience: if you cannot drive fast - use side roads.

    P.S. Drive on the carriage way with speed limit 50mph behind Lady of post 1st War period ... her speed was 20 mph!!! Mental. RIGHT LINE!

  8. Totally  agree - I have a bad habit of passing them in the outside lane, then diving straight over to the inside lane (which is obviously clear) just to prove a poiint.

  9. That's funny because in my opinion lorry drivers are the biggest twats on the road.

  10. A lorry driver moaning about car drivers - now theres a laugh. You should have posted this one in the jokes section.

    I agree with your point on lane discipline...but heres a few for you lorry drivers..

    Why don't you move over a lane when a car is joining down a slip road...but you do when its another lorry?

    Why do you keep your speed up on a 2 lane road when you are being overtaken by another lorry, ensuring the pair of you block the road for 2 to 3 miles as he struggles to get past you inch by inch  (clock it next time, i have seen this manoeuvre take 3.5 miles on the A1). Why not just ease off the gas a little and let him pass?

    Why do you drive nose to tail then pull out to overtake at the last possible second whilst not giving others time to react to your signal?

  11. Because they believe they own the road, especially the slab!

  12. and whats all that about when you box me in with your mates

  13. Tried to help a lorry driver out yesterday all I got was hand signals so don't call the Kettle black!

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