
This really puzzling quesiton??

by  |  earlier

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A Chomby was walking down a path one day when Jhudora appeared in front of it. "Solve this puzzle, and you may pass," she said.

Suppose you have four numbered tiles, one with a 3 on it, one with a 4, one with a 5, and one with a 6.

What is the largest four-digit number that can be formed by these tiles that is not evenly divisible by 9? Only submit a four-digit number as your answer; any other information may disqualify your entry.




  1. 654.3

    best answer please!!!!!!

  2. 3+4+5+6=18 18/9=2 which means it's impossible. if you flip the 6 over to a 9, the largest number would be 9543.

  3. 6543

  4. 9543 (place 6 tile upside down to make 9)

    Edit: Sorry Misery.  This is the 1st time I ever beat anyone!!!

  5. Darn, BBH, you beat me to it.

  6. i dont get it

  7. um... you can't, right?

  8. 9543

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