
This sounds silly.....?

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We have this teen group home in are area (about 20 minutes away) that opened up 2 years ago. They keep 25 girl teenagers at a time. I was in the store today and since it is the off season, I saw these comfy blankets for $3 each! I bought all they had in the store and backroom (total of 42). When I got home, I called them and they explained how they just threw out all the blankets (1 on each bed) because they were 2 years old and getting ratty however, they only needed 25 (one for each bed). Where is another good place to bring them to?




  1. Not a silly question at all. I think you're wonderful for doing this.

    A good place would be a Domestic Violence Shelter.  They often have overwhelming needs and are not often thought of by the donating public.

  2. God bless you for doing such good things for your community out of the kindness of your heart.  You make me want to cry happy!  You can give them  to a local church that does work like that, and see if they can find people in need of them, I know many churches do work like that

    But omg you make my heart happy knowing that there are such loving people in the world :)))

    Mayb you have an absolutely wonderful week :))

  3. Pre-schools that do nap time, might be of use to the extra blankets.

  4. Yes -- domestic violence/woman's shelter - those ladies sometimes leave with nothing but the clothes on their backs, and most have kids and have to start over with nothing -

    there are also pregnancy organizations (I can't think of name) - like for young mom's, they help get them cribs and such.

    I think it is great that you are helping other people - I think of doing stuff, but don't end up ever doing it...

  5. I would give them all to the teen home, because once those first 25 run out, then they can have the others for spares!

  6. can't you store them for in a couple of years when you need to replace them? If you don't want to then animal shelters are always calling out for blankets

  7. donate them to the homeless!

  8. Call your local church, senior housing or ask the group home if they would like the extras!

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