
Thoughts on meditation?

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There is a website called -

has anyone tried this technique before? Do you have any comments about it you would like to share?

Maybe it can help with your focus or stress relief. I'd be interested in your thoughts.




  1. I think that meditation is a wonderful thing, but what works for one person does not necessarily work for another. It's a subjective thing.

  2. Meditation is simply learning to live in the moment, when nothing distracts you and when you are not tied to the past or anxious about the future. In meditation you become peacefully aware of your real self. The more you use it, the more aware you become. When you learn to live life for each moment, to enjoy and appreciate life to the fullest at that moment, you suddenly become impervious to the myriad of doubts and fears that you've lived with all your life.

    There are a couple of simple techniques for silent meditation as well. You do not have to sit on the floor. You can sit with erect back on a chair. Many people say try for 15 minutes twice a day. I say start with a simpler goal - 5 minutes twice per day. The benefits include stress management and relaxation which help the body, increased mindfulness and focus, and increased energy. The mindfulness can be a benefit to your spiritual life, but meditation also has "non-spiritual" physiological benefits. Here are two easy techniques:

    Breathing meditation - 1) Check posture. 2) Close your eyes and relax. 3) Focus on your breath entering and leaving your body. 4) Count breaths mentally one to four. Repeat. 5) Don't fight a wandering mind, but calmly direct it back to task. 6) Sit for a minute afterwards.

    "Mantra" technique (choose a personal "calm" word or phrase that you will repeat in your meditation – I use the nonsectarian "Be One. Be Love. Be Peace.") - 1) and 2) as above in the Breathing meditation. 3) Listen to your breathing and let it relax you with each breath. 4) Once you are relaxed, mentally "hear" your "calm" word or phrase in your mind. Let it repeat in your mind. 5) Don't fight a wandering mind, but calmly direct it back to task. 6) Sit for a minute afterwards.


  3. There are loads of different disciplines, almost all the eastern religions feature an aspect of meditation, but it isn't a religious practice.

    At it's heart it's really about mental training just like exercise trains the body. And the benefits if done regularly are: increased concentration, awareness, insight, relaxation and reduced stress..........amongst others.

    Just like exercise isn't a quick fix, meditation isn't either. But the effects of diligent practice are well worth it.

  4. You can help make meditation easier using Australian Bush Flower Essences meditation combination.

    Helps the body and mind go into this state much easier.

    Also useful for regression recall too.

    "Australian Bush Flower Healing" by Ian White

    ISBN-10: 073380

    Yahoo email group discussing Australian Bush Flower Essences

  5. I don't know for sure, (I didn't have much time to look thoroughly at the site) but it sounds very similar to TM.

    Yes it is a great help in relieving stress, gaining focus and increasing awareness.

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