
Three year old problems...?

by  |  earlier

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my child is now 3 and i am having a problem with hitting and yelling. and timeout isn't working. and when all is ok and she does good i have to drop her off at her mom. and she thinks i am mad at her when i drop her off. I NEVER WANT TO DO MY MOM WAY. that was so bad. i can't be a parent in two homes. the hitting is getting real bad.




  1. its hard sharing custody. and its hard ont he child too. this may be the only way she an vent her frutration. rememebr they have all the same emotions as we do but are unable to understand them.

    make sure you comunicate with the mom and try to keep things as fluid and postive as you can. 3 is a tough age, for kids and parents.

    try talking to her, but honestly  you will just have to work with her mom about stopping the hitting and yelling. she will learn more coping skills as she grows try talking to her for now and let her know you nderstand.

    validate her feeling.

  2. wtf i dont get it

  3. Whatever you decide, you need to be consistent every time and you need to include her mother and make sure you guys are discipling the same so your child doesn't get confused.

    I would do the timeout thing (one minute for every year of age), and explain why she's in timeout, make her apologize.  Don't let any hitting, etc. slide.  You give them an inch and they'll take a mile!

    Consistency is key.

    In my opinion, I would never spank in this kind of situation because why would it be OK for you to hit if she's being punished for hitting??  Know what I mean?


  4. put her in a time out. Make sure you know she is there watch her if you have to. Be firm.  Watch super nanny to get tips i know it sounds weird but super nanny works. By the way I'm 16. I have younger brothers and sisters i have to deal with.


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