
Throat Shots? Safe or not?

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Ive read alot of self-defence attacks, involve throat shots/punches, ive always seen the the throat a place not to attack unless absolutely nessercery, but..could someone die from a throat punch?




  1. People who spar with gear on full contact or hard contact or medium contact usually dont really know what damage the bare knuckles can do from a properly delivered focused punch especially to the head area.

    Tests have shown using boxers kick boxers and mma fighters that the impact pressure is doubled and in a few cases tripled with the bare knuckles versus the same punch with gloves on .

    To seek a "easier" and supposedly deadlier method shows a lack of confidence in yourself your training and your art..

    A lot like guys who come on here and say things like"I have killed a few people doing that".I would suggest he put his prison computer time to better use.

    Try and do it with the other guy raining 20 punches a second on your head.

  2. You don't attack anyone anywhere unless its absolutely necessary.You do what you have to do at the time no matter what it takes,but you have to do decide at the time if a throat shot or worse is what is absolutely necessary.

  3. Yes, throat shots are very dangerous and yes people have been known to die from them. They are taught as self defense for just exactly that purpose to defend your life. You get into a bar fight or something stupid like that and hit someone in the throat there is a good chance you will go to jail, and deservedly so. In a true self defense situation though, multiple attackers and armed attacker etc it is 1 a pretty good idea and 2 not likely to get you in much if any trouble. There is a difference between getting into a fight and being put in a self defense situation. I have taught several self defense courses and 2 rape prvention courses with my local police department and even they suggest the throat shots. As 1 of the officers that was over seeing a couple of those courses said, "In a true self defense situation you do ANYTHING that is needed to preserve your life." it is a bad deal no doubt. At the end of the day though I want to make it home to see my daughter and finish seeing her grow up, so if I am in that bad a situation then I have to say I honestly think I might do it and deal with potential consequences later.

  4. If you connect to the front of the neck/throat, it can cause some serious damage.  Most head kicks you see in mma actually land on the side of the neck, and most guys get KO'd instantly.  

    Hitting someone in the throat under the chin is actually not something that is easy to do unless someone is looking up in the sky.  Normally people fight with their chin down, thereby eliminating the potential for a throat strike.

  5. Yes it is very dangerous, and I would use it as a last resort, however I find it funny when people on here respond to a "I have a fight, what can I do" question with things such as throat strike, kick to nuts, eye poke. If you have enough talent to do that, you have enough talent to land a good solid shot to the chin, solar plex, or liver, which are far easier targets.

    Makes no sense to cripple or kill someone when you can make them go night night with no permenant damage.

  6. A shot to the throat is considered deadly force, yes.

  7. Yes "throat shots" are dangerous. The trachea aka wind pipe is fragile and can be crushed with a few pounds of force. Sever bruising can also close off blood supply to the brain and cause damage enough to cause death. Swelling can also close off air supply.

  8. yep.  The throat is a very vulnerable area, so attacking someone there to say, test it out is a very bad idea.

  9. Yes it is very dangerous. It can cause a person to suffocate due to a collapsed windpipe, or if it ruptures a blood vessel, can cause them to drown on their own blood.

  10. Yes. It's dangerous, and not something you want to do to someone just for the h**l of it. Then again, it's dangerous to hit anyone, anywhere. That being said, If you judge that the situation demands a throat strike to keep YOU from getting your @$$ kicked, do it to him before he can do it to you.

  11. throat shots are a very bad Idea

    too much pressure on the trachea can break it resulting in the person choking to death.

    A few years back I had a teacher that hit me there with a sharp blow, leaving me unable/hard to breathe for a few minutes.  It took me quite a few weeks to fully recover from that one

    it's dangerous stuff to mess about with...

  12. I've killed a few with a throat strike. It has to be a pretty good shot to get the windpipe to stick closed.

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