
Throat tattoo information?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so ive been seriously thinking of getting my throat tattoo'd recently.

Im 18.And im currently studying Software Development at university.

I have sleeve's already and a big chest piece.All old school stuff/some japanese.

Now,What im thinking is a diamond in the centre of my throat with wings coming from it going up my neck.And perhaps a banner with some writing in it.

Its not the design i wanted to ask about.Its the acceptance into possible career's etc.

I know with tattoos becoming more acceptable they're less frowned upon.So my question is:


i reallllyyyyy want it.




  1. Sorry but it sounds like a very downmarket and working-class thing to do.  You might think it is OK to look like a hardman now when you are young but one day when you are older and wiser your tattoos will be as old and boring as you will be.  

  2. If you really want it go ahead, but some work places look upon tattoos.  If you can cover your neck with a polo jumper then yeah go ahead and get it.

  3. It's your money, and your ink, homeboy. Do what you like.

  4. Why don't you get a dotted line with the words "cut here" tatoo'd?

  5. it would sting like c**p

  6. no man dont do it.  i am a tattooist and i have my hands and neck done.  i love my tattoos but wish i was able to conseal them.  it is so hard to get a good job with these tattoos.  id say think about it for about 10 more years

  7. A lot of jobs arent going to be accepting of your tatoo. You have to weigh out the importance of your earning potential vs. body modification

  8. Well I like tattoos but I dont particularly like them on the face, neck or hands. Although tattoos are more accepted now a lot of people still have predjudices about them. Although it will not hold you back with everyone some people may not want to employ you because or visible tattoos.

    However if this is something you really want then maybe you should take the risk

  9. Neck tattoos and facial tattoos are still frowned upon regardless of other tattoos being more acceptable now.

    You will find great difficulty obtaining employment with facial tattoos, especially ones that are so prominent and not easy to hide.

    We have several clients with facial tattoos (not done by us) who have found great difficulty finding employment.

    The fact that you are so young is an issue.  Had you been a lot older and secure in employment they maybe we may have answered your question differently.

    Don't do it is our answer.  Truthfully you want to seriously consider getting the tattoo elsewhere.

    Think of it this way. If you do get it done and find the perfect job for you and they say they can't hire you because of your tattoos. How will you feel then.

    We know a friend who had the old "LOVE" and "HATE" tattoos on his knuckles and he was turned down for a job in McDonalds!! And they take on anyone!!

    Think long and hard.

    Good Luck

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