
Throwing up should i be worried?

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Is there any dangers behind throwing up.

I haven't thrown up in a long time, in about a year or to. Until a few weeks ago. I threw up by the pier except i thought it was because i didn't really eat anything that day besides a piece of cake at night.

Today i went by the ocean on a pier again and this time i ate and then i ate some sweets, some candy. And i threw up again.

It only seems to happen when i am by the ocean, and eat sweets.

Like its weird. Should i be worried at all?

I'm not overweight or underweight. I'm about 5'8 130-140 male. 15 almost 16




  1. Stay away from the sweets.

    It's probably the salt air that makes you a little sick.  With the candy.

    Maybe you should go to the doctor about that.

  2. Well If you only had sweets that day it is because you body doesn't get enough nutrition. If your body has too much sugar, fat, and oil your body will reject it. And the pier thing, It is either you get seasick easily or pure coincidence. It also might be the food is bad or spoiled.  

  3. First of it's most likely motion sickness. You see the water moving and waves crashing but your not moving. That's what can cause motion sickness. Also it doesn't help at all just to eat candy.

  4. Does the pier move? I would say it would be motion sickness as already mentioned regardless of whether or not the pier moves. But if it does, then it is probably most definitely motion sickness.

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