
Thrush while pregnant?

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I found out today thta i have thruch and my primary dr told me just soft foods and clearliquids for 7-10 days has anyone else had thrush and prego? what did they do?




  1. I have never had it but my daughter got it when she was 6 weeks old in her mouth and they gave her oral meds, its not contageous well thats what her baby dr told me

  2. thrush in your mouth? or a vaginal yeast infection? yeast infections are very common during pregnancy because of an increase in sugar in general in your body.  you can decrease your risk by eating yogurt with active cultures of acidophilus or you can take acidophilus orally in a pill form, it is just the bacteria that is found in yogurt.

  3. Throughout my fourth pregnancy I must have had thrush almost every 4-6 weeks.  It even caused me to bleed so I had several early scans as I thought I might miscarry (this pregnancy was after two previous miscarriages).  I ended up with a repeat prescription for cream and pessaries.  It was awful.

    Strangely enough I never suffered with my previous pregnancies all girls and the fourth time I had a boy!!

    There's not much you can do.  Cotton underwear might help, eating live yoghurt and even using this internally can reduce the infection.

    It thrives on sugar so cut down on sugary foods and foods containing a lot of yeast eg breads etc.

    Hope you get over it, its a real chore if it continues and quite depressing.

    It is contagious in that your partner can re-infect you and needs to be treated too.

    Ignore all the above, I've just seen its oral!!

  4. WoW! i never thought i would meet anyone who had the same odd symptom i had when i was pregnant and no it isnt contageous, just weird, and a nose bleed which was also weird as part of my symptoms, mine jus eventually went away
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