
Thunderstorms turning into tornadoes?

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ok so its thunderstorming in new jersey,now is it possible it can turn into a tornado because we've had tornado warning here like last month.




  1. Yes, tornadoes are generated from very strong storm clouds.

  2. It is possible, but I don't think this front is strong enough to produce tornados, plus there is not much of a contrast in the air masses. But, that chance is still there anyway if the storms are severe enough. Just pay attention to see if any tornado warnings were issued, but I know tornados don't occur all the time in New Jersey since I live in NYC and I'll hear about tornado warnings in New Jersey if they are issued.

  3. I'm looking at the storms in New Jersey right now, but none of it says "tornado" to me. Not only have the local authorities not issued any tornado watches or warnings that I'm aware of, the storms seems to be moving northeast without any of the characteristic "hook" that comes when the air currents mix and cause a tornado.

  4. Yes, I live in central Massachussets and I got a tornado warning about 30 minutes ago due to the severe thunderstorms we are having. Thankfully it missed my town by a little and it just recently died down, but yeah the bad thunderstorms just caused a tornado not far from where I am. Just be alert during thunderstorms.

  5. There's always a possibility that a storm can generate a tornado.  In bad weather, that's why it's good to have a weather radio that will give you an alert or keep tuned to your weather channel.  You can even set up a cell phone so you can be notified anywhere.

  6. yep! any storm can change it's form...though conditions for tornados are pretty specific....

  7. Tornadoes are possible all over the world. However, the thunderstorms in New Jersey right now have not caused any tornadoes and are not expected to. Don't worry it is pretty rare and it is very likely there will be no tornadoes today due to those storms.

    However if you are interested, parts of Massachusetts are currently under tornado warnings, but those storms are no where near you.

  8. This is the time right now to plan what to do for a tornado and make sure you have a NOAA weather alert radio The radios can alert you when a tornado warning is issued at night while sleeping.

    A tornado watch means that conditions are favorable for tornadoes to develop and you should pay close attention to the weather. A watch it typically issued with in 2-3 hours of the event.

    When a tornado warning is issued that means doppler radar has detected rotation in a storm or trained spotters have spotted a rotating wall cloud, funnel cloud, or a tornado on the ground.

    If a tornado warning is issued for your area, do not panic. Go to a place of safety. Go to the lowest floor of your house like the basement. Once in the basement get under a sturdy piece of furniture or go into a bathroom in the basement. If no basement is available go in to an interior room such as a closet. If that is not available go in to an bathroom without windows. Stay away from outside walls and windows. Cover your head to protect from flying debris. Never try to out run a tornado in a car, if cought in a car and can not take no place of safety, lay down in a ditch and cover your head. Do not take cover under a over pass. Do not stay in mobile homes as they do not offer protection and can be flown as easily as cars can.

    For local weather info. From the National Weather Service.

    Storm Prediction center (responsible for issuing severe thunderstorm and tornado watches)

  9. 1)Last month was a tornado watch.

    2) I dunno but can you answer my question please?

    3)There shouldent be one because New Jersey is the "Safest" state in the U.S. or at least that's what my cousin tells me

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