
Tiger Woods Report help!?

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Im doing a report on Tiger Woods and i need three reasons why he is so good at golf which is why is he such a good golf player?

Please Help





  1. Tiger Woods is a good golfer because he practices everyday, he wants to win more than anyone out there, and he is a natural athlete.  He is also a great role model for people.

  2. 1) that he enjoyed playing golf

    2) that he work hard to be the best at the game. to do this he work to be the best and try learning everything he can about it game, come up with shots to get him out any kind of trouble and used it out on the golf course. While the other golfers are more settle with what they have to play the game.

    3) he is talent is 5 or 10 step higher than the other golfer.

  3. #1  Work ethic.  #2Practice.  #3He was raised playing golf.  There are many more.  In my opinion these are the top three.

  4. He started playing at 5 years old and he was better at 5 than most players as adults.


  6. OK ... lets see only 3 reasons???

    Tiger Woods has been playing and practising his game since the age of 2.

    He plays every game with the intention of winning it.

    Next to Jack Nicklaus, he is one of the few people that can sink crucial putts when he needs to.

    There aren't any weaknesses in his game because he is constantly working to improve every facet of his game - even when he ranks number 1 in that particular category.

    He has worked with both his father and a psycologist to become mentally tough and to be able to focus on one shot at a time no matter what distractions are happening around him.

    Take your pick of the best 3

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