
Tigers Baseball whats the problem?

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I cannot decide why the tigers are doing so bad this season. we have a great lineup and it seams like we should be doing much better. obviously pitching needs work but we have good pitchers that arent performing.

is this jim leyland's fault?

should the tigs be looking for a new coach?




  1. The players are not performing as expected. They are paying high salaries for once great players who are probably on their way down. This is typical of the Tigers. It probably isn't Leyland's fault.

  2. It's really pretty simple: the players are underperforming. The Tigers look great on paper, but they can't get it done. The only coach I see that is to blame is Chuck Hernandez. He needs to go.

  3. you need to pitcher to help to win... if you dont have it your record will look like what you guys have.

  4. underperforming for sure.... i'm not saying jim leyland is a bad coach but he has made some pretty questionable moves this year.... cabrera has a cannon for an arm and probably better range than guillen now that he is getting old and hadn't played the position too much before... also leyland just seems to always think the team is performing poorly because the way the line-up is that night... he needs to realize that changing the line-up every frickin game most likely isn't going to help free them of their offensive funk

  5. none of this is leyland's fault, the fact that his young arms are not producing this season has nothing to do with the manager imo...i think the league has adjusted to guys like verlander, bonderman, etc., and now these guys have to learn to adjust to the hitters''s just a chess match, and veterans always have the edge over youngsters in a chess match

  6. I think you hit the nail on the head when you said good pitchers not performing.

  7. Underachieving is a true statement in this situation.

    They have played horrendous and there pitching was suspect since the beginning of the season. If there offense did not score runs there team was going no where.

    As we all know the coaches are always blamed for underachieving.

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