
Time Travel? What do you think?

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I have heard it could be possible but not untill the lets say time machine is turned on since if it does not exist then how are you able to travel back in time without it so you would need to create it first that is why I would say that we don't see people from the future today but it can be so secretive that time travel is happening who knows?




  1. If possiable the human race could not be trusted, if there was a way to travell back in time then if we change one thing there could be a ripple effect that could set in motion a chain of events that could cause a paradox, say a person changed the past by curing aids, it would mean that aids would not exist in the future and therfore would not need to be cured so therfore they wouldnt go back in time and cure it.

    So I say if it is possiable we would destroy ourselves trying to change somthing in the past.

  2. When i was in high school, me and my friends used to talk about it a lot. We joked around and gave each one a task to be able to travel through time. Well, no luck yet. haha

    If it's possible, it could be fun... but when you come to think of it more deeply, would it? knowing already what would happen and when it would? trial and error(no analysis attached) in decisions would be chaotic... i don't know. Would it be fun? probably not...

  3. I think time travel has been a very popular subject throughout the years.  It would be a lot of fun to be able to do it.  It may be possible in the future, but I'm not going to hold my breath.

  4. I don't believe we can physically be transported..but people astral spirit . Of course..we kinda go back in time in our minds when we remember our past.We also go back by reading history books or seeing movies etc. I just don't believe it 's possible to transport our bodies. Maybe if there really are aliens visiting from another planet..they'll know how to do it and tell us how. I think it would be really scary to try it. Seems like people would care more about their lives than to try it.

  5. Its already happening. UFOs.

  6. I debated that with this quantum physicist before:;...

    I don't think its possible to go back in time unless everything in the universe was a dual copy. i believe time is faster, slower in none existence in different parts of the Universe with different frequencies of vibration. But Time does not reverse only move. The closet you can get to it is reenacting a happening.

  7. it would be super cool!!!

    time travel would be the greatest accomplishment of the entire humankind race!!

    if i could time travel, i would cure the world from diseases and put the world in better health and also erase AIDS from history!!

    i'm studying to be a doctor and i would love to see the world a better world of no diseases^_^

  8. It has already happened!! Physicist have moved the tiniest of particles of a atom (smaller than an electron) with a laser and were actually able to distort time. The partical was measured to have been back about 1 full second. I saw it on the Discovery Channel, I think you can find it on the web.

  9. If time travel is possible... Why hasn't anybody come back from the future?!

  10. You would have to travel faster than the speed of light, which is inmpossible.

    What is time?

  11. Already possible in a  limited way. The clocks on the Concord (speed of sound) would run differently than clocks on the ground.

    Also if you get near enough a large enough gravitational field without being destroyed time will pass differently for you.

    Every time you look at a star you are looking at something quite likely long ago burned out, you are quite literally looking at the past.

    Dr. Who style time travel if it's ever accomplished will take many many steps of more limited time travel to come before it.


  12. not possible

  13. Well first off time travel has nothing to do with the paranormal, unless supernatural powers carry you back.

    I am not a scientist, but what little I do know, yes I believe it could be possible if we had the technology and the power and knowledge.

    I believe that all of time exists now so therefore it is possible.

    I also understand that the scientific knowledge we have at the present and the power sources we have that we do not have the ability to do this at this time and we may never unless we can discover a power source other that the ones we have available today.

    Now I also believe it may be possible that natural time loops appear from time to time. That is paranormal. I believe that some ghost sightings are really actual history in the making and we are seeing the actual live people in their own time.

    I believe that some science fiction writers had more knowledge of the future than the scientist of the day and I personally believe it was more than a great imagination.

    That is a belief I have and it is in the realm of the paranormal and it can not be proved or disproved.

    H.G Wells is one man that comes to mind.


  14. only ghost can do time travel.they can penetrate the past event by visiting the place where the events the physical humans,it is impossible,your memory remember past and it a form of time travel.

  15. Yes. Read about it on:

  16. No, no, and no.  There is no past or future to travel to, and even if there was, it would break various laws of physics to do so.  The closest thing you can do is slow down the relative rate of time for you, which will make everything else speed up (relative to you) and so it will be like you are travelling to the future.  Note that there is no way to return from the future, and as of now we have no means to slow time to any meaningful degree.

    Here is my much longer answer to the same question asked by someone else:;...

  17. Yes definately, at one time or another anythings possible isn't it?

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