
Time Travel???

by  |  earlier

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I for one believe it but it would of course have restrictions. You could not just travel freely to any time you choose because you could not travel to a time before the time machine existed..."The universe". Does any one else here believe in time travel?




  1. I have mixed feelings I believe if you are able to time travel you wouldn't be able to change the past or future. I think of time as a time line. So if you were able to go back in time and tried to change something it wouldn't change anything, because it would mean that you did it in the being to start with. Hopefully you understand that. And another thing that supports my time line theory is if you can travel back in time that means in the present as in right now our future is already written. And the main reason I think its impossible is if someone did invent a time machine then why haven't they come to the past and helped us with global warming or AIDS, cancer.

  2. No, it's just NOT possible, that is, if you're thinking of time travel as like going back to a certain point in history, or going forward a certain period. Time in physics is simply the period required for an event or sequence of physical events to occur, while history is a sequence of events as our minds remember it, a record so to say. In other words, the past and future are only states of mind.

    The sun's light takes eight minutes to reach the earth, so we see the sun now not as it is now, but as it was eight minutes ago. But that doesn't suggest anything about the possibility of time travel, we are simply witnessing a past event, we are not going back to it. Just like watching a movie.

    About the future, if you can theoretically achieve the speed of light, then time will completely stop according to your relative frame of reference. For example, if you travel to the edge of the Milky Way at the speed of light, to the observer, it took you 10,000 years. But to you, it took NO time at all because time stopped for you. So you will feel like you reached 10000 years into the future in an instant when in fact it took you 10000 years. So you didn't actually travel to the future. You were just not aware of the 10000 years that went by.

    For more information, check out Einstein's relativity theory.

  3. Time travel would cause all sorts of problems.

    Say you could view any time anywhere - we have to assume that as no-one has seen a time traveller.

    Then that means I could go a second back and view Paris Hilton's shower room.


  4. I believe in Time travel but in only 1 direction and thats into the future.  There is no such thing as going back in time.  First of all there is no such thing as time.  Its something we made up to describe relative moments in our lives.  Therefore we can never go backwards to a past moment in our lives.  However we can mess around with the future a little bit. You can change the amount of time thats past because time is relative.  So let say you build a space ship and go of into space at a high rate of speed.  Doing so will change your relative time compared to someone on earth. So they would age at a faster rate than you. so in essence you would be time traveling into the future.  That is about the limit of time traveling.

  5. Does that mean you can't travel to any point in time where neither humans or electricity existed as well? What does the existence or not of the invention have to do with it?

  6. Time travel, to the past, is predicted in theoretical physics.

    Doing it is not.

  7. I believe in parallel time travel...

    That way, I can experience deja vu', all over again!

  8. yeah i think i do, its all to do with changing the course of what is called 'space time' or working out how to use parallel universes.
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