
Time travel horror?

by  |  earlier

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if in the future people will make time travelling possible arent you scared that they will prob came from the future have some sorta transparent potion so when youre sleeping at night they are prob right next to your bed but you cant even see them?




  1. If they have time machines in the future but not the present how will they get back to the future when there is no time machine to use in this time?

  2. or when your in the bathroom doin your own business and they staring at you.. and you can feel it but can't see it!!! lol I'm not worried about this I'm jus pulling your leg. Relax kid. I doubt that will/would happen.

  3. Lay off the LSD.

    Time travellers can't travel further back than the invention of the machine.  Since the machine has yet to be invented, you are in no danger yet.

    Now go back to sleep, you have Rehab in the morning.

  4. people will never b able 2 travel through time cause god wont allow it

  5., they wont. time will never be manipulated by the likes of technology.

  6. Some theories, most notably special and general relativity, suggest that suitable geometries of spacetime, or specific types of motion in space, might allow time travel into the past and future if these geometries or motions are possible.[9] In technical papers physicists generally avoid the commonplace language of "moving" or "traveling" through time ('movement' normally refers only to a change in spatial position as the time coordinate is varied), and instead discuss the possibility of closed timelike curves, which are worldlines that form closed loops in spacetime, allowing objects to return to their own past. There are known to be solutions to the equations of general relativity that describe spacetimes which contain closed timelike curves, but the physical plausibility of these solutions is uncertain.

    Physicists take for granted that if one were to move away from the Earth at relativistic velocities and return, more time would have passed on Earth than for the traveler, so in this sense it is accepted that relativity allows "travel into the future" (although according to relativity there is no single objective answer to how much time has 'really' passed between the departure and the return). On the other hand, many in the scientific community believe that backwards time travel is highly unlikely. Any theory which would allow time travel would require that issues of causality be resolved. The classic example of a problem involving causality is the "grandfather paradox": what if one were to go back in time and kill one's own grandfather before one's father was conceived? But some scientists believe that paradoxes can be avoided, either by appealing to the Novikov self-consistency principle or to the notion of branching parallel universes.

    Time travel to the past is theoretically allowed using the following methods:

    Space traveling faster than the speed of light.

    The use of cosmic strings and black holes.

    Wormholes and Alcubierre 'warp' drive.

  7. its not possible they could recreate things but it isn't possible to travel through time then we wouldn't be accountable for anything when we die god wouldn't allow it

  8. My point of view is time travel from the future already goes on.  We as a society will not and should not know about it.  The reason it doesn't create paradox's is because if someone travels back in time to do something then they have already done that and don't know about it so it is predestined.

  9. OH of course, because in the future anyone who's anybody uses their time machines to go into random peoples bedrooms.
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