
Timed games?

by  |  earlier

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I do not understand how the timed games work. Increments and the like. For instance what is 3 minute initial time and 10 second increments mean?




  1. If the initial time is 3 mins then if you don't move in 3 minutes you will forfeit the game, but when you move your timer stops(at let's say 2 mins left) and your opponents time begins to count down.  When he makes a move then your time will begin where it left off, 2 mins in this case, and so on.  

    The increment means that every time you move it is added to your time (here it's 10 seconds).  So that way you'll have at least 11 seconds your next turn.

  2. I personnaly hate those timed 3 minute games because i cant play my openings right without thinking but the 10 incriment just adds to your time.
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