
Tip on drinks with dinner?

by  |  earlier

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If you're out to eat and have drinks with dinner, do you tip on the drinks too? or subtract the drink total off the bill and just tip on the food? i've been told so many things- that all the waiter is doing is serving you the drink, not making it, but also told to tip on the drinks.. i dont know whats right! thanks!




  1. Yes, of course you tip on drinks, and don't listen to anyone who tells you differently. Those people are cheap. Part of being a worldy and classy individual is tipping 20% on the total bill. If you can't afford it, then go to McDonalds or somewhere that you don't have to tip.

  2. you tip on the total bill....that is why servers are pushed to up their alcohol sales!

  3. Yes you tip on the ENTIRE bill. Sometimes your server does have to make those drinks. And if they didn't, they still had to put the order in for you, wait for them to be made, and deliver them to your table...all while he/she has other tables to wait on. And they have to tip out to the bar at the end of the evening based on what their alcohol sales are.

    Just remember, these people pay their bills with the tips they make. And if you are good to someone, they will be good to you.

  4. we dont give tips here in u.k.. so cant help you on this one..!!

  5. Yes, you tip!  The waiter doesn't make your food, but you tip on that... you can tip 15-20% (in the US--don't know what's customary in Canada) or just tip an extra dollar per drink.  The waiter will never complain if you tip on something you shouldn't, but they do have to work to make sure all their tables are getting the right drinks brought to them.

  6. Don't even worry about it.  If you get great service leave a fat tip, so so, leave an OK tip. If it sucks don't leave anything. The whole 15% thing is rediculous to me. I tip on service recieved and thats all.

  7. I read you tip on the food and if you want a smaller amount on the drinks.

  8. Yes you tip on the drinks too.In most places the server has to tip out the people who made your drinks cleaned your tables and cooked your food so you are really tipping everyone who gave a service to you not just the server.

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