
Tipping Vietnam airport attendants?

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Many people told me that whenever they when to Vietnam they had to tip the airport attendants or else they open up your luggage and give you a hard time. Any oppinions? Should I tip them? How much?




  1. I have never heard of such a thing,i travel in and out of Vietnam all the time,i have never had or seen a problem.Please just treat it like a normal airport,you could be causing yourself a problem.

  2. yes you have to they will open your luggage some take you stuff

  3. yup, you have to tip them, if you are Vietnamese, that's the way is it

  4. I concur with Rick M for the most part.

    For those who claim that payoffs at Vietnam airports are mandatory, I have to be blunt and say that they were duped.  Someone smarter than them took their money. I have NEVER tipped, paid off, bribed or otherwise exchange money for services when I was arriving in Vietnam. However, leaving could be another story.

    Tan Son Nhat has a $12 US fee they is collected from passengers on departing International flights. This is not a payoff, but a mandatory airport fee used to pay for the new international terminal being built.

    Sometimes the customs agents give me a hard time thinking that I will give them a few bucks for a payoff. I know they're not supposed receive payoffs anymore, but I don't put it in their face. Instead, I act like a dumb and misfortune tourist, complain about all the money that I spent already on paying off the cops and feeling so grateful that I finally met someone honest before I leave Vietnam. That strategy has not failed me yet.

    There are agents at Tan Son Nhat and sometimes at Noi Bai (Hanoi) that will help with passenger check in. It's not a payoff, but it's worth the $10 to let them help you get through the airport.

    Good luck and have fun on your trip!

  5. i did put $5 inside my passport for 3 times and i saw them slip the bill down to their table draw,but i got no problem because since i arrived saigon i was so happy and eager to go out to my family,so i do not mind about $15 anyway.that is the corruption of vietnam communist goverment with bribe and thief problem,but i think most poor country got same problem though!

  6. Hi,

    I'm Vietnamese and this is the first time I hear about airport attendants tipping. I travel by plane AT LEAST twice a year but tipping airport attendants has never once been in my experiences.

    Normally, you just show them your passport and let them do their work. In Vietnam, tipping is not a must-do (in both restaurant or hotel or anywhere else) so you get the idea...

  7. Have Americano $5 notes, $10 to be sure. Usually, to make the process faster at the desk, we leave the notes in the passport, so when they see it, they can discreetly stuff it in their pockets...

  8. I have never given money to the customs/immigration people at the airport (who I assume you are asking this question about). Some of my Viet friends sometimes slip a five dollar bill in their passports. I know Viets are treated differently than non-Viet visitors , but it is certainly not necessary. I have never, ever, ever been asked to open my baggage for an inspection.

    I do however, give the police in my "hometown" a gift, usually a six-pack of Budweiser. I call it "vat ki niem, hoa ky", a souvenir from America.  They really appreciate it and it seems that I can do no wrong (as far as they are concerned) when I am visiting my wife and family.

    So, I guess if you want to be nice, bring a candy bar or a "nip" bottle of liquor to give to the official at the control desk who will check your papers, and another for the guy who x-rays your baggage when leaving the terminal. It's not needed, but it is a nice gesture :-)

  9. I agree with Susan.  I put a $5.00 bill inside my passport when pass immigration and then another inside when we go though customs.  I also tip the guy who rounds up our luggage and helps up up to customs.  For $15 total for the 3 of us we have a fast worry free entry into the country.

    I pay that in Detroit to the porter who takes our luggage inside to check in; so no difference.  Can't wait to be in SaiGon again in 24 days.  Cheers

  10. Actually it's kind of correct. All you need to give them is from 20 to 50 dollars. That's like 200 dollars with vietnamese!

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